Saturday, September 1, 2012

Guide Heart, Cardiovascular

This guide Heart, Cardiovascular give you lots of information on the prevention of cardiovascular risk , diet and cardiovascular risk , balance sheets and followed by cardiovascular disease , treatment of heart disease and live after a cardiac event.

What is the relationship between influenza and heart? Well flu promotes the onset of infarction within three days after infection. Flu favors equally stroke. Hence the importance of vaccination.

Is a urinary tract infection or respiratory illness, like flu, pneumonia or bronchitis , may increase the risk of a myocardial infarction or a stroke? The answer is "YES" and we know from the results of a British study that followed the record 60,000 people who had a heart attack and 55,000 who had a stroke. An increase in the occurrence of these strokes is indeed observed in the days following the infection, especially towards the third.

Fittingly, the researchers tested whether such a phenomenon was observed after vaccination (flu, tetanus, pneumococcus). This time the answer was no.

How to interpret this phenomenon? According to the authors, both as stroke myocardial inflammatory phenomena are at the arteries . Contributing to inflammation, urinary and respiratory infections increase the likelihood of strokes.

This study is very important. It allows us to understand why vaccination against influenza significantly reduced all-cause mortality. It reduces mortality from influenza of course, but also by other inflammatory causes. We also understand why, in general, infections contribute to accidents diseases. This phenomenon was observed with a germ called chlamydia . In fact, you should probably be wary of any infection.

Remember that in practice?

Firstly if you are a patient at risk of stroke, must be vaccinated against the flu each year. It is also interesting to be vaccinated against pneumococcus, other infectious agent is very common, responsible for numerous tonsillitis , sinusitis, bronchitis and pneumonia.

Then it should not be overlooked infections when they occur. Must take antibiotics if necessary, and take aspirin and vitamin C in case of inflammation. This combination of vitamin C and aspirin is the oldest treatments against viral infections, including influenza. This study shows that it is still current.


Too strong emotions can be dangerous, especially for those who suffer from heart. But it is also true that they save us.

Have you seen the movie Equilibrium? In the history of science fiction, a dictator has found the solution to all the ills of humanity: the suppression of emotions by daily injection and voluntary product annihilating feelings, "Prozium." Yes, but?? a world underground is organized which promotes emotions and fall of the dictator. Who will win? You guessed it, the emotions of course because they are essential to life??

This is the stress in general may as well make us sick by his excesses we kill by its absence . Our body needs stimuli, the passivity ends as surely a good health standard. They say turn off?? Certainly we need energy.

While thinking of emotions when, for example, makes a myocardial infarction ? I need to sort between the good and bad? And how, if not by avoiding life and what makes it salt?

Emotions have a context

Rather than sort the emotions, let's look at context. Some of them are wearing, more rewarding. How to spot them? The world simply by using your heart?? When you feel comfortable in an environment that is comfortable, the heart works best and you feel good. Conversely, some settings you tend and leave you exhausted after some time. Once the context is identified, you can either just eliminating unnecessary stressors , if possible, or chat with your friends. In fact, in most cases, disabling contexts are linked to a lack of communication between the protagonists. Take the initiative and approach the speech the other , the one whose behavior stresses you out, even if he loves you or likes you much. Describe it a fact of life that irritates you. Explain your suffering in this context and your regret that things did not go better. Be frank and friendly, open dialogue. What must be avoided is to passively, without understanding. Remember, it is the inaction us? Conversely, locate the contexts positive , those warm feelings, those laughs, those of the person for your consideration. The affection and laughter are both good for the heart. People well into their torque living longer, and those who laugh more!

Prepare for emotions

And the game football ? may hurt , it is known! True, but why not prepare like a champion for your game? Relaxation before the game, stretching, warm-ups. No alcohol of course, but the water will. And friends of course, but asking them not to smoke around you. Sporting stay! There is even other emotions can be strong if you do not prepare them enough. And to prepare, no secret, we must impose see reality.

Electrocardiogram effort

To prepare well, it is also well known. In this respect, the best test is the stress test, which measures the strength of your heart to ischemia during stress. It is valuable to review after 45 years in rights in case of return to sport . We need to do regularly when you have had a myocardial infarction.

Finally, remember that emotions save us , we live for them and they are life. So the question is not to organize a life without emotion , but to organize to live as much as possible, as soon as possible contexts.

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