Thursday, August 30, 2012

Pathologies Of The Sport

The pathologies of the sport can be without consequences (aches, cramps) or more severe or disabling problems such as meniscus tear or rupture of ligaments, fractures.

On the ground, there is of course the medical kit and the skills to use it, but whatever these skills, it is imperative to respect the basic principles that can respond quickly and thoroughly.

Ensure comfort

The first is comfort or sporty installation sick or injured. It may be, for example, cut a strap to release a member of a warm blanket in outdoor cold or otherwise put it in a cooler atmosphere in case of heat stroke.

Assess the condition

The second principle is to assess the condition in a timely manner in order to take appropriate measures or to provide complete information to the doctor or emergency contacted. It may be, for example, to discover a leg or an arm broken, if necessary by cutting the garment. The flashlight is useful at this time in case of darkness or to explore the inside of a mouth.


The third is to condition the athlete to avoid injury or aggravation of waiting for a medical opinion or further treatment (eg, compression, elevation implementation of a member in case of accident or muscle into recovery position for a Sports unconscious).

Begin care

The fourth is to begin treatment, be it for example a cleaning or a wound analgesic tablet. It can be also give a drink in case of dehydration or food when carbohydrate cravings.


The mobile phone has become an essential field to call emergency , including the center 15. We must always have a home on an expedition and available for games. Must raise the alarm as soon as possible and allocate roles immediately (which alert one who rescues, who attended).

The composition will differ depending on whether the package: - a non-medical member of staff (coach or manager). - A physiotherapist. - A doctor.

Different kits

It is also different depending on the sport and geographic location: - the edge of a field (light). - In an infirmary (larger equipment). - In a vehicle (ambulance following a bicycle race). - Kit to be worn at all times while hiking.

Equipment and products for the wound

- For dressing: saline, Betadine or Hexomédine (antiseptic), sterile gauze, adhesive type Hypafix, ready bandages, gloves sterile sutures skin adhesive (for superficial wounds). - Pliers for removing splinters. - Compresses bleeding (for nosebleeds) - Protection for bulbs (Urgoactiv example), allowing for example to complete a hike. - Vaseline tube to make a bit fat with a wick of gauze or gauze if bleeding nose.

Restraint equipment

- Bands of contention for muscle tears combined if possible a dense foam, pending repair of a bandage more definitive by a doctor. - Tapes and inextensible elastic adhesive strapping tapes. - Tapes Velpeau to put an arm in a sling after a shoulder injury for example.

Ointments and local health

- Ointments anti-inflammatory (Nifluril, Geldene?) to book more problems joint type of ankle sprain as muscle problems (which are sometimes not recommended in the acute phase).

Small equipment

- Pliers for removing splinters (also helps to wick fat or hemostatic gauze into the nostril if nosebleed). - Scissors (small scissors to make a strong and dressing scissors able to cut a strap). - Pins to nurse (can afford to put one arm in a sling or maintaining a tape.) - non-sterile gloves when handling items soiled with mud or blood. - Cannula-tongue depressors (for mouth sores). - Mirror Dental to verify the integrity of the dentition. - Survival blanket (very light, do not take place, ideal for mountain sports). - Flashlight (for dark or look in the mouth).

Medical products

Medical products according to the qualification of the worker (doctor, physiotherapist, nurse): paracetamol, aspirin , nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory products, referred to pulmonary, gastrointestinal, head and neck, ocular (eye drops).


- Water or sports drink to rehydrate ready (or Nergisport Isostar example). - bars of cereals or products providing carbohydrates to provide energy or hypoglycemia.

And mobile phone?

Yes, why not think about it? It can be part of the package of land in inaccessible areas and free phone (like the mountains) to prevent doctor as soon as possible and help.

A few tips

A field kit must be easy to use and the user must know the content. You will need: - check the expiry dates of drugs - do not let the reach of children - keep it in a place away from light and heat.


More scientifically known as blisters, blisters are the result of a localized cutaneous friction. They are caused by an inadequate or improperly adjusted equipment (shoes, saddle?). They appear like a bubble filled with liquid appears under the skin at the point of friction. They are very painful and can prevent further sporting activity in progress, especially if the surface skin to die. It appears ulceration if the friction continues.

Some tips

As regards ampoules, prevention is better than cure . Must also fight against disydrose (small blisters appear on the hands and feet) by spraying talc. At the time of training or competition, look for possible areas of friction and protect them with such an adhesive bandage or a second pair of socks . Reducing friction by lubricating the area (application of ointments fat) is also utile.Il be gradually wear or use new equipment, clothing or recent new shoes, and never wear new shoes on the day of competition. They must "do" to her gradually pied.Une times the bulb up, it must die but leave the skin covering it, because it is partially dressing (a real dressing is still required). Overall, all bulb breakthrough must be protected by a bandage and treated to prevent reinfection. Otherwise, when the bulb is exposed, it must be applied to dry eosin, and covered with a protective film type DuoDERM to practice sports.


The next point is acute abdominal pain occurring at a certain intensity of effort, located in the sides, back and just below the ribs, more often right than the left.

The intensity of the pain is such that the breath is nearly cut off. A slowdown or cessation of sports activity in progress, as well as focusing on breathing slow exhalation, allow the pain to pass.

How to prevent

A warm good quality helps prevent side stitch . It is also good breathing rhythm during exercise, eg running on stride (stride inspire and expire on 2 of 3). Respect for sufficient time between the last meal and the beginning of the effort (three hours) is also important.

What are the causes of side stitch?

It is not known at this time what the exact cause of this pain. One of the best estimate is that muscle soreness (diaphragm muscles abdominal and intercostal muscles) associated with reduced oxygenation captured the benefit system tract , which would explain why the side points occur preferably after meals too copieux.Une Another hypothesis is that purely digestive pain affecting the colon. It also refers to the points of pain left side of the spleen, and right pain in the liver (blood return important effort in organs encased in a capsule inextensible, where pain-related tensioning of these capsules finely innervated). Finally, it is also possible that this pain of the pleura.

In case of persistent or recurrent

In case of persistent or renewal very common side point, an ultrasound may be required and possibly a stress test .

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