Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Pain In Adults: User Manual Analgesics
Headache, pain dental, burns, wounds, bruises, stomach ache, cramp??, the pain can have many causes. As for treatment, it differs depending on the nature of the pain and its location. What you need to know to s' automédiquer with analgesics.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Supportive Therapy
Parallel to the treatment of the cancer itself, a comprehensive care of the patient and his problems is now grown in specialized institutions in the management of patients with cancer . These supportive care are designed to improve the quality of life of patients throughout their care pathway. They gather several specialties.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Baby Blues
What about Baby Blues? The baby blues is a reaction postnatal frequent, occurring in 3 to 10 days after the birth and of short duration, a few hours to a few days. This temporary condition is not a disease, but a moment of depression during which installs the mother-child relationship. Hypersensitivity and anxiety are the main signs and foremost a demand from listening environment.
The baby blues occurs within days of the birth and manifests as "symptoms" vary from one woman to another:
- crying for no apparent reason.
- mood swings, melancholy ideas.
- hypersensitivity to criticism or comments made by the environment.
- irritability, anxiety about his ability to be able to care for the baby.
- difficult to focus on the newborn and guilt.
- despondency, discouragement.
- insomnia.
- Hormonal cause: the baby blues is related to the sudden drop in estrogen and progesterone concentrations within a few hours after delivery of the placenta, concentrations were very high during pregnancy. However, these hormones have a real effect antidepressant . This hormonal upheaval causes significant disruption of the internal clock and emotions.
- Psychological cause: the baby blues is also linked to the aftermath of the pregnancy and the birth , which are really tiring events. Young mothers suffer from a lack of more or less sleep and it is well known that the strain has emotional impact, such as irritability, hypersensitivity and fear of not being able to cope. From the status of a pregnant woman as a mother is not always easy. Becoming a mother entails new responsibilities that may concern. Will it measure up? Finally, many women are confused because they see a gap between the imagined baby during pregnancy and the baby they have in front of them.
- Organizing the homecoming: delegate a maximum of things dad, grandparents of your child, or a housekeeper.
- Do not remain isolated: try to spend time each day with another adult: invite your friends, your family and talk about something other than the baby.
- Schedule a recreational activity per day: go out shopping, go see a friend, walk by baby stores, and even better, go out without baby.
- Rest: try to sleep at the same time as your baby.
- Talk to your partner, a friend who has already been there: know also that the gynecologist or midwife used this depression among young mothers passing and will reassure you.
- Focus on physical contact with her child it is important to him to share his emotions and feelings.
- Perspective: the baby blues is not a disease, it is normal and most women go through there!
When to see
- The feeling of discomfort persists beyond 15 days.
- The depression is significant proportions.
The physician or psychologist will check that it is an episode of the baby blues and not a true depression , deeper. It is suspected if the mom still feels tired and depressed 6-8 weeks after childbirth , if she refuses to see his family or friends, if she can not take care of her baby or 'herself, if she is afraid of hurting her. It can also show signs of anorexia or bulimia.
The first thing to do is to recognize that they are suffering from baby blues and agree to talk. This is the first step on the road to recovery. The environment plays a key role presence, help and support. A maternity care team, the psychologist are also there to listen, help care for the baby. If necessary, the prescription tranquilizer, low dose, will calm the insomnia and anxiety of the mother.
The baby blues occurs within days of the birth and manifests as "symptoms" vary from one woman to another:
- crying for no apparent reason.
- mood swings, melancholy ideas.
- hypersensitivity to criticism or comments made by the environment.
- irritability, anxiety about his ability to be able to care for the baby.
- difficult to focus on the newborn and guilt.
- despondency, discouragement.
- insomnia.
- Hormonal cause: the baby blues is related to the sudden drop in estrogen and progesterone concentrations within a few hours after delivery of the placenta, concentrations were very high during pregnancy. However, these hormones have a real effect antidepressant . This hormonal upheaval causes significant disruption of the internal clock and emotions.
- Psychological cause: the baby blues is also linked to the aftermath of the pregnancy and the birth , which are really tiring events. Young mothers suffer from a lack of more or less sleep and it is well known that the strain has emotional impact, such as irritability, hypersensitivity and fear of not being able to cope. From the status of a pregnant woman as a mother is not always easy. Becoming a mother entails new responsibilities that may concern. Will it measure up? Finally, many women are confused because they see a gap between the imagined baby during pregnancy and the baby they have in front of them.
- Organizing the homecoming: delegate a maximum of things dad, grandparents of your child, or a housekeeper.
- Do not remain isolated: try to spend time each day with another adult: invite your friends, your family and talk about something other than the baby.
- Schedule a recreational activity per day: go out shopping, go see a friend, walk by baby stores, and even better, go out without baby.
- Rest: try to sleep at the same time as your baby.
- Talk to your partner, a friend who has already been there: know also that the gynecologist or midwife used this depression among young mothers passing and will reassure you.
- Focus on physical contact with her child it is important to him to share his emotions and feelings.
- Perspective: the baby blues is not a disease, it is normal and most women go through there!
When to see
- The feeling of discomfort persists beyond 15 days.
- The depression is significant proportions.
The physician or psychologist will check that it is an episode of the baby blues and not a true depression , deeper. It is suspected if the mom still feels tired and depressed 6-8 weeks after childbirth , if she refuses to see his family or friends, if she can not take care of her baby or 'herself, if she is afraid of hurting her. It can also show signs of anorexia or bulimia.
The first thing to do is to recognize that they are suffering from baby blues and agree to talk. This is the first step on the road to recovery. The environment plays a key role presence, help and support. A maternity care team, the psychologist are also there to listen, help care for the baby. If necessary, the prescription tranquilizer, low dose, will calm the insomnia and anxiety of the mother.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Becoming A Healthy Eater
Becoming A Healthy Eater: Being a healthy eater requires you to become both educated and smart about what healthy eating actually is. Being food smart isn't about learning to calculate grams or fat, or is it about studying labels and counting calories.
Guide Symptoms Frostbite
What about Frostbite?
The frostbite is a burning of the skin caused by exposure to a cold extreme. Sometimes a few seconds for the cause, especially at high altitudes by winds or if the clothes are wet. It mainly affects the extremities (fingers and toes) and sometimes the face (ears, nose and cheeks).
The frostbite is a burning of the skin caused by exposure to a cold extreme. Sometimes a few seconds for the cause, especially at high altitudes by winds or if the clothes are wet. It mainly affects the extremities (fingers and toes) and sometimes the face (ears, nose and cheeks).
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Treatment Of Cardiovascular Diseases
This section of CVD treatment gives you a lot of information on antihypertensive, cholesterol, statins, angiotensin converting enzyme, beta blockers.
After a myocardial infarction, it is often necessary to take 4 or 5 drugs. This can be tedious and very simple. Question of motivation and organization.
After a myocardial infarction, it is often necessary to take 4 or 5 drugs. This can be tedious and very simple. Question of motivation and organization.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Fruits And Vegetables Improves Breathing
For the heart and blood vessels, it was proved that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and fish was preferable to a diet such as meat / fries. It's the same vis-à-vis the breath : the closer the food first model, the more its function protects breathing .
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Diet And Cardiovascular Risk
This section Food and cardiovascular risk gives you a lot of information on the prevention of cardiovascular disease through balanced diet like the Mediterranean diet or Crete.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Women, Cardiovascular Risk And Longevity
Women are like men! It is true, at least in their arteries because, like them, the absence of cardiovascular risk allows them to live longer . Conversely, the more they risk factors for cardiovascular disease , the more they are exposed.
Inverse relationship between longevity and risk factors cardivoasuclaire
Take a group of 7,302 women and follow them for 31 years. Note the factors of risk cardiovascular each of them and classify them into four groups: 0, 1, 2 and more than two risk factors. Then, write the number and cause of deaths over the period.
You get data on whether the absence of factor risk cardiovascular protection and guarantee of longevity .
This is what was done in the United States by the Chicago Heart Association Detection Project in Industry. And the results are very impressive: mortality risk cardiovascular , but also the overall risk is multiplied by 5-6 between those who pose no risk and those who have more than two. This increased risk is exponential:
- a factor, the risk is multiplied by 1.1;
- with two factors, the risk is multiplied by 3.3;
- with more than two factors, the risk is multiplied by 6.
What are the risk factors taken into account?
These are the risk factors most important, namely:
- the blood pressure (greater than or equal to 14/9);
- the cholesterol (above 2 g / l);
- diabetes (blood glucose above 1.23 g / l);
- mass index (BMI greater than 25);
- and smoking.
It is important to remember this is of course good news: there is no risk cardiovascular is a guarantee of longevity. It should also be understood that care to eliminate one or more factors of cardiovascular risk is very useful.
hence the importance of regular visits to the doctor from 40 years and a measure of the tension pressure to each occasion.
Infarction is a terrible ordeal imposed, although in his heart, but also his emotional life, because of the sensation of imminent death sometimes felt on top of the pain. This immense fear sometimes leaves scars that EMDR is proposed to help clear a few sessions (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing or French neuro-emotional integration by eye movements).
The anguish, the state of stress and depression are forms of emotional scars that may complicate the return to normal life after a heart attack. Sometimes it's a real posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which insidiously.
Infarction can be a traumatic experience
PTSD is a psychological well-known psychiatrists, but also cardiologists. It is a disorder which can occur whenever a person must go through a situation with a life-threatening, there has been no trauma or body. An earthquake , a hijacking, an accident (such as the collapse of Terminal Roissy recently), rape, accident , for example, are situations that may be the cause of PTSD. Myocardial infarction, which is felt as a sudden life-threatening by the patient, can also cause such trauma.
Who relives a nightmare day and night
A person with PTSD is found in great suffering and psychological fragility . Despite herself, she remembers constantly terrifying episode that was the source of her trauma. Awake or asleep, in the form of nightmares , she relives the traumatic initial obsessively. She is constantly on the alert as a radar would watch day and night danger. It is particularly anxious , has constantly need to be reassured, has trouble sleeping and concentrating.
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), or French neuro-emotional integration by eye movements is a brief psychotherapeutic method came straight from the United States. It is based on the assumption that the therapist can help resolve emotional trauma by moving rhythmically patient's eyes while conversing. The underlying idea is that each of us is a mechanism for "digestion" emotional trauma, but in some situations, the trauma does not digest well. It remains etched in a part of our brain or our emotional intelligence, our faculties or rationalization, fail to erase. EMDR sessions thus aim to encourage the system of "digestion" of the brain to stimulate his powers of self-healing and allow it to erase the trace until indelible traumatic.
The sleep is essential for all health and also for the heart . So much to do everything to have a good night .
A good sleep, good heart
Sleep is the most effective way to recover (with food and physical activity). It is therefore essential to be concerned. In practice, three scenarios are possible:
- you sleep well and just keep a good hygiene of sleep ,
- you are an insomniac ,
- you have respiratory problems related to sleep .
Good sleep hygiene
These tips are generally well known, but not always respected ... Both remember:
- lie down if possible one hour you can sleep your account (between 7 and 8 o'clock in general)
- beware of TV programs late: they lead us to ensure quite unnecessarily,
- avoid irritations and tensions in the evening, especially those related to the computer or at work,
- no bathroom warm evening
- no sport in the evening,
- attention to heavy meals,
- and avoid alcohol.
Manage insomnia
Advice, you know, but you're an insomniac , from father to son (or mother to daughter ...). However, you take a pill every night to sleep ... Do not worry, you're not alone and many people are like you. What you should know is that it must make you follow a doctor so as not to become dependent or not to suffer the side effects of drugs :
- some tranquilizers taken every day can lead to mood depression or loss of memory ,
- some antidepressants taken in low doses can help you sleep , but they can also have unpleasant side effects such as anorgasmia (loss of sensation of orgasm)
- the sleeping most prescribed (Stilnox and Imovane) should not be taken continuously. It is better to vary the doses and organize to take breaks.
In other words, do not automédiquer taking the drugs spouse. We must also learn to manage his nights so that the best nights are offset so good. In practice, it should prefer to live nights of varying quality, rather than trying "to knock" every night, at the risk of losing his health.
Sleep-related breathing disorders
Some sleep disorders are dangerous to the heart . It is those who cause apnea during which the heart and throughout the body eventually run out of oxygen. These disorders are often associated with snoring and overweight, and can be found in these patients abnormal palate.
If you think you have an eating disorder, which is reflected in particular by nights of poor quality and a tendency to sleep and be sleepy during the day, talk to your doctor. Indeed exist effective solutions that will revolutionize your life. It will offer you to lose weight , eat lighter at night, but also to offer a balance for a specific operation of the soft palate or testing apparatus to avoid respiratory pauses.
Inverse relationship between longevity and risk factors cardivoasuclaire
Take a group of 7,302 women and follow them for 31 years. Note the factors of risk cardiovascular each of them and classify them into four groups: 0, 1, 2 and more than two risk factors. Then, write the number and cause of deaths over the period.
You get data on whether the absence of factor risk cardiovascular protection and guarantee of longevity .
This is what was done in the United States by the Chicago Heart Association Detection Project in Industry. And the results are very impressive: mortality risk cardiovascular , but also the overall risk is multiplied by 5-6 between those who pose no risk and those who have more than two. This increased risk is exponential:
- a factor, the risk is multiplied by 1.1;
- with two factors, the risk is multiplied by 3.3;
- with more than two factors, the risk is multiplied by 6.
What are the risk factors taken into account?
These are the risk factors most important, namely:
- the blood pressure (greater than or equal to 14/9);
- the cholesterol (above 2 g / l);
- diabetes (blood glucose above 1.23 g / l);
- mass index (BMI greater than 25);
- and smoking.
It is important to remember this is of course good news: there is no risk cardiovascular is a guarantee of longevity. It should also be understood that care to eliminate one or more factors of cardiovascular risk is very useful.
hence the importance of regular visits to the doctor from 40 years and a measure of the tension pressure to each occasion.
Infarction is a terrible ordeal imposed, although in his heart, but also his emotional life, because of the sensation of imminent death sometimes felt on top of the pain. This immense fear sometimes leaves scars that EMDR is proposed to help clear a few sessions (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing or French neuro-emotional integration by eye movements).
The anguish, the state of stress and depression are forms of emotional scars that may complicate the return to normal life after a heart attack. Sometimes it's a real posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which insidiously.
Infarction can be a traumatic experience
PTSD is a psychological well-known psychiatrists, but also cardiologists. It is a disorder which can occur whenever a person must go through a situation with a life-threatening, there has been no trauma or body. An earthquake , a hijacking, an accident (such as the collapse of Terminal Roissy recently), rape, accident , for example, are situations that may be the cause of PTSD. Myocardial infarction, which is felt as a sudden life-threatening by the patient, can also cause such trauma.
Who relives a nightmare day and night
A person with PTSD is found in great suffering and psychological fragility . Despite herself, she remembers constantly terrifying episode that was the source of her trauma. Awake or asleep, in the form of nightmares , she relives the traumatic initial obsessively. She is constantly on the alert as a radar would watch day and night danger. It is particularly anxious , has constantly need to be reassured, has trouble sleeping and concentrating.
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), or French neuro-emotional integration by eye movements is a brief psychotherapeutic method came straight from the United States. It is based on the assumption that the therapist can help resolve emotional trauma by moving rhythmically patient's eyes while conversing. The underlying idea is that each of us is a mechanism for "digestion" emotional trauma, but in some situations, the trauma does not digest well. It remains etched in a part of our brain or our emotional intelligence, our faculties or rationalization, fail to erase. EMDR sessions thus aim to encourage the system of "digestion" of the brain to stimulate his powers of self-healing and allow it to erase the trace until indelible traumatic.
The sleep is essential for all health and also for the heart . So much to do everything to have a good night .
A good sleep, good heart
Sleep is the most effective way to recover (with food and physical activity). It is therefore essential to be concerned. In practice, three scenarios are possible:
- you sleep well and just keep a good hygiene of sleep ,
- you are an insomniac ,
- you have respiratory problems related to sleep .
Good sleep hygiene
These tips are generally well known, but not always respected ... Both remember:
- lie down if possible one hour you can sleep your account (between 7 and 8 o'clock in general)
- beware of TV programs late: they lead us to ensure quite unnecessarily,
- avoid irritations and tensions in the evening, especially those related to the computer or at work,
- no bathroom warm evening
- no sport in the evening,
- attention to heavy meals,
- and avoid alcohol.
Manage insomnia
Advice, you know, but you're an insomniac , from father to son (or mother to daughter ...). However, you take a pill every night to sleep ... Do not worry, you're not alone and many people are like you. What you should know is that it must make you follow a doctor so as not to become dependent or not to suffer the side effects of drugs :
- some tranquilizers taken every day can lead to mood depression or loss of memory ,
- some antidepressants taken in low doses can help you sleep , but they can also have unpleasant side effects such as anorgasmia (loss of sensation of orgasm)
- the sleeping most prescribed (Stilnox and Imovane) should not be taken continuously. It is better to vary the doses and organize to take breaks.
In other words, do not automédiquer taking the drugs spouse. We must also learn to manage his nights so that the best nights are offset so good. In practice, it should prefer to live nights of varying quality, rather than trying "to knock" every night, at the risk of losing his health.
Sleep-related breathing disorders
Some sleep disorders are dangerous to the heart . It is those who cause apnea during which the heart and throughout the body eventually run out of oxygen. These disorders are often associated with snoring and overweight, and can be found in these patients abnormal palate.
If you think you have an eating disorder, which is reflected in particular by nights of poor quality and a tendency to sleep and be sleepy during the day, talk to your doctor. Indeed exist effective solutions that will revolutionize your life. It will offer you to lose weight , eat lighter at night, but also to offer a balance for a specific operation of the soft palate or testing apparatus to avoid respiratory pauses.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Guide Heart, Cardiovascular
This guide Heart, Cardiovascular give you lots of information on the prevention of cardiovascular risk , diet and cardiovascular risk , balance sheets and followed by cardiovascular disease , treatment of heart disease and live after a cardiac event.
What is the relationship between influenza and heart? Well flu promotes the onset of infarction within three days after infection. Flu favors equally stroke. Hence the importance of vaccination.
Is a urinary tract infection or respiratory illness, like flu, pneumonia or bronchitis , may increase the risk of a myocardial infarction or a stroke? The answer is "YES" and we know from the results of a British study that followed the record 60,000 people who had a heart attack and 55,000 who had a stroke. An increase in the occurrence of these strokes is indeed observed in the days following the infection, especially towards the third.
Fittingly, the researchers tested whether such a phenomenon was observed after vaccination (flu, tetanus, pneumococcus). This time the answer was no.
How to interpret this phenomenon? According to the authors, both as stroke myocardial inflammatory phenomena are at the arteries . Contributing to inflammation, urinary and respiratory infections increase the likelihood of strokes.
This study is very important. It allows us to understand why vaccination against influenza significantly reduced all-cause mortality. It reduces mortality from influenza of course, but also by other inflammatory causes. We also understand why, in general, infections contribute to accidents diseases. This phenomenon was observed with a germ called chlamydia . In fact, you should probably be wary of any infection.
Remember that in practice?
Firstly if you are a patient at risk of stroke, must be vaccinated against the flu each year. It is also interesting to be vaccinated against pneumococcus, other infectious agent is very common, responsible for numerous tonsillitis , sinusitis, bronchitis and pneumonia.
Then it should not be overlooked infections when they occur. Must take antibiotics if necessary, and take aspirin and vitamin C in case of inflammation. This combination of vitamin C and aspirin is the oldest treatments against viral infections, including influenza. This study shows that it is still current.
Too strong emotions can be dangerous, especially for those who suffer from heart. But it is also true that they save us.
Have you seen the movie Equilibrium? In the history of science fiction, a dictator has found the solution to all the ills of humanity: the suppression of emotions by daily injection and voluntary product annihilating feelings, "Prozium." Yes, but?? a world underground is organized which promotes emotions and fall of the dictator. Who will win? You guessed it, the emotions of course because they are essential to life??
This is the stress in general may as well make us sick by his excesses we kill by its absence . Our body needs stimuli, the passivity ends as surely a good health standard. They say turn off?? Certainly we need energy.
While thinking of emotions when, for example, makes a myocardial infarction ? I need to sort between the good and bad? And how, if not by avoiding life and what makes it salt?
Emotions have a context
Rather than sort the emotions, let's look at context. Some of them are wearing, more rewarding. How to spot them? The world simply by using your heart?? When you feel comfortable in an environment that is comfortable, the heart works best and you feel good. Conversely, some settings you tend and leave you exhausted after some time. Once the context is identified, you can either just eliminating unnecessary stressors , if possible, or chat with your friends. In fact, in most cases, disabling contexts are linked to a lack of communication between the protagonists. Take the initiative and approach the speech the other , the one whose behavior stresses you out, even if he loves you or likes you much. Describe it a fact of life that irritates you. Explain your suffering in this context and your regret that things did not go better. Be frank and friendly, open dialogue. What must be avoided is to passively, without understanding. Remember, it is the inaction us? Conversely, locate the contexts positive , those warm feelings, those laughs, those of the person for your consideration. The affection and laughter are both good for the heart. People well into their torque living longer, and those who laugh more!
Prepare for emotions
And the game football ? may hurt , it is known! True, but why not prepare like a champion for your game? Relaxation before the game, stretching, warm-ups. No alcohol of course, but the water will. And friends of course, but asking them not to smoke around you. Sporting stay! There is even other emotions can be strong if you do not prepare them enough. And to prepare, no secret, we must impose see reality.
Electrocardiogram effort
To prepare well, it is also well known. In this respect, the best test is the stress test, which measures the strength of your heart to ischemia during stress. It is valuable to review after 45 years in rights in case of return to sport . We need to do regularly when you have had a myocardial infarction.
Finally, remember that emotions save us , we live for them and they are life. So the question is not to organize a life without emotion , but to organize to live as much as possible, as soon as possible contexts.
What is the relationship between influenza and heart? Well flu promotes the onset of infarction within three days after infection. Flu favors equally stroke. Hence the importance of vaccination.
Is a urinary tract infection or respiratory illness, like flu, pneumonia or bronchitis , may increase the risk of a myocardial infarction or a stroke? The answer is "YES" and we know from the results of a British study that followed the record 60,000 people who had a heart attack and 55,000 who had a stroke. An increase in the occurrence of these strokes is indeed observed in the days following the infection, especially towards the third.
Fittingly, the researchers tested whether such a phenomenon was observed after vaccination (flu, tetanus, pneumococcus). This time the answer was no.
How to interpret this phenomenon? According to the authors, both as stroke myocardial inflammatory phenomena are at the arteries . Contributing to inflammation, urinary and respiratory infections increase the likelihood of strokes.
This study is very important. It allows us to understand why vaccination against influenza significantly reduced all-cause mortality. It reduces mortality from influenza of course, but also by other inflammatory causes. We also understand why, in general, infections contribute to accidents diseases. This phenomenon was observed with a germ called chlamydia . In fact, you should probably be wary of any infection.
Remember that in practice?
Firstly if you are a patient at risk of stroke, must be vaccinated against the flu each year. It is also interesting to be vaccinated against pneumococcus, other infectious agent is very common, responsible for numerous tonsillitis , sinusitis, bronchitis and pneumonia.
Then it should not be overlooked infections when they occur. Must take antibiotics if necessary, and take aspirin and vitamin C in case of inflammation. This combination of vitamin C and aspirin is the oldest treatments against viral infections, including influenza. This study shows that it is still current.
Too strong emotions can be dangerous, especially for those who suffer from heart. But it is also true that they save us.
Have you seen the movie Equilibrium? In the history of science fiction, a dictator has found the solution to all the ills of humanity: the suppression of emotions by daily injection and voluntary product annihilating feelings, "Prozium." Yes, but?? a world underground is organized which promotes emotions and fall of the dictator. Who will win? You guessed it, the emotions of course because they are essential to life??
This is the stress in general may as well make us sick by his excesses we kill by its absence . Our body needs stimuli, the passivity ends as surely a good health standard. They say turn off?? Certainly we need energy.
While thinking of emotions when, for example, makes a myocardial infarction ? I need to sort between the good and bad? And how, if not by avoiding life and what makes it salt?
Emotions have a context
Rather than sort the emotions, let's look at context. Some of them are wearing, more rewarding. How to spot them? The world simply by using your heart?? When you feel comfortable in an environment that is comfortable, the heart works best and you feel good. Conversely, some settings you tend and leave you exhausted after some time. Once the context is identified, you can either just eliminating unnecessary stressors , if possible, or chat with your friends. In fact, in most cases, disabling contexts are linked to a lack of communication between the protagonists. Take the initiative and approach the speech the other , the one whose behavior stresses you out, even if he loves you or likes you much. Describe it a fact of life that irritates you. Explain your suffering in this context and your regret that things did not go better. Be frank and friendly, open dialogue. What must be avoided is to passively, without understanding. Remember, it is the inaction us? Conversely, locate the contexts positive , those warm feelings, those laughs, those of the person for your consideration. The affection and laughter are both good for the heart. People well into their torque living longer, and those who laugh more!
Prepare for emotions
And the game football ? may hurt , it is known! True, but why not prepare like a champion for your game? Relaxation before the game, stretching, warm-ups. No alcohol of course, but the water will. And friends of course, but asking them not to smoke around you. Sporting stay! There is even other emotions can be strong if you do not prepare them enough. And to prepare, no secret, we must impose see reality.
Electrocardiogram effort
To prepare well, it is also well known. In this respect, the best test is the stress test, which measures the strength of your heart to ischemia during stress. It is valuable to review after 45 years in rights in case of return to sport . We need to do regularly when you have had a myocardial infarction.
Finally, remember that emotions save us , we live for them and they are life. So the question is not to organize a life without emotion , but to organize to live as much as possible, as soon as possible contexts.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Pathologies Of The Sport
The pathologies of the sport can be without consequences (aches, cramps) or more severe or disabling problems such as meniscus tear or rupture of ligaments, fractures.
On the ground, there is of course the medical kit and the skills to use it, but whatever these skills, it is imperative to respect the basic principles that can respond quickly and thoroughly.
Ensure comfort
The first is comfort or sporty installation sick or injured. It may be, for example, cut a strap to release a member of a warm blanket in outdoor cold or otherwise put it in a cooler atmosphere in case of heat stroke.
Assess the condition
The second principle is to assess the condition in a timely manner in order to take appropriate measures or to provide complete information to the doctor or emergency contacted. It may be, for example, to discover a leg or an arm broken, if necessary by cutting the garment. The flashlight is useful at this time in case of darkness or to explore the inside of a mouth.
The third is to condition the athlete to avoid injury or aggravation of waiting for a medical opinion or further treatment (eg, compression, elevation implementation of a member in case of accident or muscle into recovery position for a Sports unconscious).
Begin care
The fourth is to begin treatment, be it for example a cleaning or a wound analgesic tablet. It can be also give a drink in case of dehydration or food when carbohydrate cravings.
The mobile phone has become an essential field to call emergency , including the center 15. We must always have a home on an expedition and available for games. Must raise the alarm as soon as possible and allocate roles immediately (which alert one who rescues, who attended).
The composition will differ depending on whether the package: - a non-medical member of staff (coach or manager). - A physiotherapist. - A doctor.
Different kits
It is also different depending on the sport and geographic location: - the edge of a field (light). - In an infirmary (larger equipment). - In a vehicle (ambulance following a bicycle race). - Kit to be worn at all times while hiking.
Equipment and products for the wound
- For dressing: saline, Betadine or Hexomédine (antiseptic), sterile gauze, adhesive type Hypafix, ready bandages, gloves sterile sutures skin adhesive (for superficial wounds). - Pliers for removing splinters. - Compresses bleeding (for nosebleeds) - Protection for bulbs (Urgoactiv example), allowing for example to complete a hike. - Vaseline tube to make a bit fat with a wick of gauze or gauze if bleeding nose.
Restraint equipment
- Bands of contention for muscle tears combined if possible a dense foam, pending repair of a bandage more definitive by a doctor. - Tapes and inextensible elastic adhesive strapping tapes. - Tapes Velpeau to put an arm in a sling after a shoulder injury for example.
Ointments and local health
- Ointments anti-inflammatory (Nifluril, Geldene?) to book more problems joint type of ankle sprain as muscle problems (which are sometimes not recommended in the acute phase).
Small equipment
- Pliers for removing splinters (also helps to wick fat or hemostatic gauze into the nostril if nosebleed). - Scissors (small scissors to make a strong and dressing scissors able to cut a strap). - Pins to nurse (can afford to put one arm in a sling or maintaining a tape.) - non-sterile gloves when handling items soiled with mud or blood. - Cannula-tongue depressors (for mouth sores). - Mirror Dental to verify the integrity of the dentition. - Survival blanket (very light, do not take place, ideal for mountain sports). - Flashlight (for dark or look in the mouth).
Medical products
Medical products according to the qualification of the worker (doctor, physiotherapist, nurse): paracetamol, aspirin , nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory products, referred to pulmonary, gastrointestinal, head and neck, ocular (eye drops).
- Water or sports drink to rehydrate ready (or Nergisport Isostar example). - bars of cereals or products providing carbohydrates to provide energy or hypoglycemia.
And mobile phone?
Yes, why not think about it? It can be part of the package of land in inaccessible areas and free phone (like the mountains) to prevent doctor as soon as possible and help.
A few tips
A field kit must be easy to use and the user must know the content. You will need: - check the expiry dates of drugs - do not let the reach of children - keep it in a place away from light and heat.
More scientifically known as blisters, blisters are the result of a localized cutaneous friction. They are caused by an inadequate or improperly adjusted equipment (shoes, saddle?). They appear like a bubble filled with liquid appears under the skin at the point of friction. They are very painful and can prevent further sporting activity in progress, especially if the surface skin to die. It appears ulceration if the friction continues.
Some tips
As regards ampoules, prevention is better than cure . Must also fight against disydrose (small blisters appear on the hands and feet) by spraying talc. At the time of training or competition, look for possible areas of friction and protect them with such an adhesive bandage or a second pair of socks . Reducing friction by lubricating the area (application of ointments fat) is also utile.Il be gradually wear or use new equipment, clothing or recent new shoes, and never wear new shoes on the day of competition. They must "do" to her gradually pied.Une times the bulb up, it must die but leave the skin covering it, because it is partially dressing (a real dressing is still required). Overall, all bulb breakthrough must be protected by a bandage and treated to prevent reinfection. Otherwise, when the bulb is exposed, it must be applied to dry eosin, and covered with a protective film type DuoDERM to practice sports.
The next point is acute abdominal pain occurring at a certain intensity of effort, located in the sides, back and just below the ribs, more often right than the left.
The intensity of the pain is such that the breath is nearly cut off. A slowdown or cessation of sports activity in progress, as well as focusing on breathing slow exhalation, allow the pain to pass.
How to prevent
A warm good quality helps prevent side stitch . It is also good breathing rhythm during exercise, eg running on stride (stride inspire and expire on 2 of 3). Respect for sufficient time between the last meal and the beginning of the effort (three hours) is also important.
What are the causes of side stitch?
It is not known at this time what the exact cause of this pain. One of the best estimate is that muscle soreness (diaphragm muscles abdominal and intercostal muscles) associated with reduced oxygenation captured the benefit system tract , which would explain why the side points occur preferably after meals too copieux.Une Another hypothesis is that purely digestive pain affecting the colon. It also refers to the points of pain left side of the spleen, and right pain in the liver (blood return important effort in organs encased in a capsule inextensible, where pain-related tensioning of these capsules finely innervated). Finally, it is also possible that this pain of the pleura.
In case of persistent or recurrent
In case of persistent or renewal very common side point, an ultrasound may be required and possibly a stress test .
On the ground, there is of course the medical kit and the skills to use it, but whatever these skills, it is imperative to respect the basic principles that can respond quickly and thoroughly.
Ensure comfort
The first is comfort or sporty installation sick or injured. It may be, for example, cut a strap to release a member of a warm blanket in outdoor cold or otherwise put it in a cooler atmosphere in case of heat stroke.
Assess the condition
The second principle is to assess the condition in a timely manner in order to take appropriate measures or to provide complete information to the doctor or emergency contacted. It may be, for example, to discover a leg or an arm broken, if necessary by cutting the garment. The flashlight is useful at this time in case of darkness or to explore the inside of a mouth.
The third is to condition the athlete to avoid injury or aggravation of waiting for a medical opinion or further treatment (eg, compression, elevation implementation of a member in case of accident or muscle into recovery position for a Sports unconscious).
Begin care
The fourth is to begin treatment, be it for example a cleaning or a wound analgesic tablet. It can be also give a drink in case of dehydration or food when carbohydrate cravings.
The mobile phone has become an essential field to call emergency , including the center 15. We must always have a home on an expedition and available for games. Must raise the alarm as soon as possible and allocate roles immediately (which alert one who rescues, who attended).
The composition will differ depending on whether the package: - a non-medical member of staff (coach or manager). - A physiotherapist. - A doctor.
Different kits
It is also different depending on the sport and geographic location: - the edge of a field (light). - In an infirmary (larger equipment). - In a vehicle (ambulance following a bicycle race). - Kit to be worn at all times while hiking.
Equipment and products for the wound
- For dressing: saline, Betadine or Hexomédine (antiseptic), sterile gauze, adhesive type Hypafix, ready bandages, gloves sterile sutures skin adhesive (for superficial wounds). - Pliers for removing splinters. - Compresses bleeding (for nosebleeds) - Protection for bulbs (Urgoactiv example), allowing for example to complete a hike. - Vaseline tube to make a bit fat with a wick of gauze or gauze if bleeding nose.
Restraint equipment
- Bands of contention for muscle tears combined if possible a dense foam, pending repair of a bandage more definitive by a doctor. - Tapes and inextensible elastic adhesive strapping tapes. - Tapes Velpeau to put an arm in a sling after a shoulder injury for example.
Ointments and local health
- Ointments anti-inflammatory (Nifluril, Geldene?) to book more problems joint type of ankle sprain as muscle problems (which are sometimes not recommended in the acute phase).
Small equipment
- Pliers for removing splinters (also helps to wick fat or hemostatic gauze into the nostril if nosebleed). - Scissors (small scissors to make a strong and dressing scissors able to cut a strap). - Pins to nurse (can afford to put one arm in a sling or maintaining a tape.) - non-sterile gloves when handling items soiled with mud or blood. - Cannula-tongue depressors (for mouth sores). - Mirror Dental to verify the integrity of the dentition. - Survival blanket (very light, do not take place, ideal for mountain sports). - Flashlight (for dark or look in the mouth).
Medical products
Medical products according to the qualification of the worker (doctor, physiotherapist, nurse): paracetamol, aspirin , nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory products, referred to pulmonary, gastrointestinal, head and neck, ocular (eye drops).
- Water or sports drink to rehydrate ready (or Nergisport Isostar example). - bars of cereals or products providing carbohydrates to provide energy or hypoglycemia.
And mobile phone?
Yes, why not think about it? It can be part of the package of land in inaccessible areas and free phone (like the mountains) to prevent doctor as soon as possible and help.
A few tips
A field kit must be easy to use and the user must know the content. You will need: - check the expiry dates of drugs - do not let the reach of children - keep it in a place away from light and heat.
More scientifically known as blisters, blisters are the result of a localized cutaneous friction. They are caused by an inadequate or improperly adjusted equipment (shoes, saddle?). They appear like a bubble filled with liquid appears under the skin at the point of friction. They are very painful and can prevent further sporting activity in progress, especially if the surface skin to die. It appears ulceration if the friction continues.
Some tips
As regards ampoules, prevention is better than cure . Must also fight against disydrose (small blisters appear on the hands and feet) by spraying talc. At the time of training or competition, look for possible areas of friction and protect them with such an adhesive bandage or a second pair of socks . Reducing friction by lubricating the area (application of ointments fat) is also utile.Il be gradually wear or use new equipment, clothing or recent new shoes, and never wear new shoes on the day of competition. They must "do" to her gradually pied.Une times the bulb up, it must die but leave the skin covering it, because it is partially dressing (a real dressing is still required). Overall, all bulb breakthrough must be protected by a bandage and treated to prevent reinfection. Otherwise, when the bulb is exposed, it must be applied to dry eosin, and covered with a protective film type DuoDERM to practice sports.
The next point is acute abdominal pain occurring at a certain intensity of effort, located in the sides, back and just below the ribs, more often right than the left.
The intensity of the pain is such that the breath is nearly cut off. A slowdown or cessation of sports activity in progress, as well as focusing on breathing slow exhalation, allow the pain to pass.
How to prevent
A warm good quality helps prevent side stitch . It is also good breathing rhythm during exercise, eg running on stride (stride inspire and expire on 2 of 3). Respect for sufficient time between the last meal and the beginning of the effort (three hours) is also important.
What are the causes of side stitch?
It is not known at this time what the exact cause of this pain. One of the best estimate is that muscle soreness (diaphragm muscles abdominal and intercostal muscles) associated with reduced oxygenation captured the benefit system tract , which would explain why the side points occur preferably after meals too copieux.Une Another hypothesis is that purely digestive pain affecting the colon. It also refers to the points of pain left side of the spleen, and right pain in the liver (blood return important effort in organs encased in a capsule inextensible, where pain-related tensioning of these capsules finely innervated). Finally, it is also possible that this pain of the pleura.
In case of persistent or recurrent
In case of persistent or renewal very common side point, an ultrasound may be required and possibly a stress test .
Friday, August 24, 2012
Sports for Health: The Athletic Training
The training aims to gradually adapt the body to greater efforts.
An adaptation of the organism
Adaptation occurs with: - An increase in muscle mass. - A transformation of chemical energy into mechanical energy in the muscles. - An adaptation of the respiratory system (improvement of tidal volume, respiratory anticipation at the beginning of the year ). - An adaptation of the system cardiovascular (frequency heart rate lower resting heart rate and improved). - Improved motor skills (movement of energy efficiency). It establishes a balance of each solicitation body. The increase in training load changes this balance.
Progressive training
To increase the training load, you can play on two factors: the intensity and volume. For a running example, the intensity corresponds to the running speed and volume to the number of kilometers traveled. In practice, the intensity can be measured indirectly by the heart rate. We can therefore obtain the same increase in training load in two ways différentes.Par Furthermore, the progression of the load can also be made on the training frequency and duration of the training period.
Frequency and regularity
Even if the frequency of training may differ between amateur sports and competition, some basic principles are common, such as regularity. Practicing "regularly" suggests to most sports , a rate of three workouts per period (eg a week), and maintaining the driving frequency. If the drives are too far apart in time (one or two sessions per week), performance stagnate. Similarly, stopping the drive causes a rapid disappearance of the effects of it. To give an example, a decision can take two weeks to four weeks upturn to regain the original level. A prolonged requires almost from scratch. In contrast, a frequency too high can lead to poor performance due to neglect recovery periods.
Programming time
An annual training program can be organized into several "cycles", which allow progression and consistency. The increase in training load can be done within a cycle. Cycles of one week are called micro-cycles and cycles a month with four micro-macro-cycles are called cycles. In addition, you can also define several periods during the year, as a recovery period during the winter, a period of general preparation, a period of preparation for competition and competition period. This programming can obviously vary depending on the sport, level of practice, availability, capacity, physical.
Training appropriate to the level of competition
For a sports fan, the drive is ideally smooth and progressive. For competitive sports, it should take into account the dates and objectives, programming to bring to its ultimate shape for the big day.
Characteristics, features
Ice hockey is to project a puck with a stick in the goal defended by players of the opposing team, moving on ice skates . This is a technical sport contact.Sa practice and requires to possess an excellent skating, be physically fit and not afraid of shock and bruises that are very fréquents.Il is a sport aimed primarily at young people as variations in pace, acceleration is permanent and requirements cardiovascular énormes.L initiation is possible when the young patina correctly.
Cons-indications and benefits
Benefits: This sport allows young people to express themselves physically. They are concepts of speed, contact (often rough), teamwork, combat. Firstly, it is a game but can be an outlet for aggression. It helps develop the qualities of speed, balance, flexibility, accuracy, coordination, strength, agility and judgment. Against indications: the cons-indications are essentially cardiovascular. The requirements of this discipline, acceleration, starting violent short rest periods need to have a cardiovascular system in excellent condition. The cons-indications are rare among young people, but this discipline is to book at least 40 years . problems at Musculoskeletal (scoliosis, growth problems, back pain or lumbar) may also be of cons- indications.
Ice hockey is a sport technique. It is therefore primarily be an excellent skater and learn geste.L good equipment is essential and mandatory to protect against bumps and bruises many. Hockey player is protected by a helmet with chin strap, the gloves , elbow pads, shoulder pads, leggings. The guard has an additional protective grille on his helmet, a breastplate on his chest, a shield for mains.Le keeper and other players should indeed be protected the puck, vulcanized rubber puck-shaped disk , weighing 170 grams, which can be projected up to 200 km / h, but also contacts with other players, with sticks, with skate blades against the ice against the edges of the rink or against buts.Un training Land is very important (running, cycling , rowing, skiing) to be able to keep the duration of a match (3 third time 20 minutes each) and support the permanent changes of pace. It must, of course, add the drive to spin itself and technical training.
Major diseases
Diseases are mainly related to trauma and many contusions.La most of them are benign but bruises, lacerations, dislocations or fractures are routinely sometimes.
An adaptation of the organism
Adaptation occurs with: - An increase in muscle mass. - A transformation of chemical energy into mechanical energy in the muscles. - An adaptation of the respiratory system (improvement of tidal volume, respiratory anticipation at the beginning of the year ). - An adaptation of the system cardiovascular (frequency heart rate lower resting heart rate and improved). - Improved motor skills (movement of energy efficiency). It establishes a balance of each solicitation body. The increase in training load changes this balance.
Progressive training
To increase the training load, you can play on two factors: the intensity and volume. For a running example, the intensity corresponds to the running speed and volume to the number of kilometers traveled. In practice, the intensity can be measured indirectly by the heart rate. We can therefore obtain the same increase in training load in two ways différentes.Par Furthermore, the progression of the load can also be made on the training frequency and duration of the training period.
Frequency and regularity
Even if the frequency of training may differ between amateur sports and competition, some basic principles are common, such as regularity. Practicing "regularly" suggests to most sports , a rate of three workouts per period (eg a week), and maintaining the driving frequency. If the drives are too far apart in time (one or two sessions per week), performance stagnate. Similarly, stopping the drive causes a rapid disappearance of the effects of it. To give an example, a decision can take two weeks to four weeks upturn to regain the original level. A prolonged requires almost from scratch. In contrast, a frequency too high can lead to poor performance due to neglect recovery periods.
Programming time
An annual training program can be organized into several "cycles", which allow progression and consistency. The increase in training load can be done within a cycle. Cycles of one week are called micro-cycles and cycles a month with four micro-macro-cycles are called cycles. In addition, you can also define several periods during the year, as a recovery period during the winter, a period of general preparation, a period of preparation for competition and competition period. This programming can obviously vary depending on the sport, level of practice, availability, capacity, physical.
Training appropriate to the level of competition
For a sports fan, the drive is ideally smooth and progressive. For competitive sports, it should take into account the dates and objectives, programming to bring to its ultimate shape for the big day.
Characteristics, features
Ice hockey is to project a puck with a stick in the goal defended by players of the opposing team, moving on ice skates . This is a technical sport contact.Sa practice and requires to possess an excellent skating, be physically fit and not afraid of shock and bruises that are very fréquents.Il is a sport aimed primarily at young people as variations in pace, acceleration is permanent and requirements cardiovascular énormes.L initiation is possible when the young patina correctly.
Cons-indications and benefits
Benefits: This sport allows young people to express themselves physically. They are concepts of speed, contact (often rough), teamwork, combat. Firstly, it is a game but can be an outlet for aggression. It helps develop the qualities of speed, balance, flexibility, accuracy, coordination, strength, agility and judgment. Against indications: the cons-indications are essentially cardiovascular. The requirements of this discipline, acceleration, starting violent short rest periods need to have a cardiovascular system in excellent condition. The cons-indications are rare among young people, but this discipline is to book at least 40 years . problems at Musculoskeletal (scoliosis, growth problems, back pain or lumbar) may also be of cons- indications.
Ice hockey is a sport technique. It is therefore primarily be an excellent skater and learn geste.L good equipment is essential and mandatory to protect against bumps and bruises many. Hockey player is protected by a helmet with chin strap, the gloves , elbow pads, shoulder pads, leggings. The guard has an additional protective grille on his helmet, a breastplate on his chest, a shield for mains.Le keeper and other players should indeed be protected the puck, vulcanized rubber puck-shaped disk , weighing 170 grams, which can be projected up to 200 km / h, but also contacts with other players, with sticks, with skate blades against the ice against the edges of the rink or against buts.Un training Land is very important (running, cycling , rowing, skiing) to be able to keep the duration of a match (3 third time 20 minutes each) and support the permanent changes of pace. It must, of course, add the drive to spin itself and technical training.
Major diseases
Diseases are mainly related to trauma and many contusions.La most of them are benign but bruises, lacerations, dislocations or fractures are routinely sometimes.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Sport And Health Guide
How to Choose a Sport? What are the cons-indications to sports ? Guide in the Health and Sport , discover in detail the various sporting activities and valuable advice sports such as athlete's diet , diseases of sports.
Characteristics, features
The trek includes all the features and details of the march. The difference lies in the durée.Elle is one physical activity a sport in the sense that there is no compétition.La French Hiking Federation estimated that approximately 5 million, the number of these randonneurs.Ceux walk steadily, often over long distances and often several days, or not following marked routes called the National Trails (GR) or short hike (PR). Trekking is a hike Walking down to altitude. It therefore presents additional physical constraints.
Cons-indications and benefits
Hiking is an endurance activity , plans beneficial cardiovascular and pulmonary - slowing of the heart at rest and during exercise - improving blood circulation , especially in the venous circulation of the lower limbs - stabilization of blood pressure numbers - better tolerance to effort - less rapid onset of breathlessness on exertion. It is a great way to fight against cardiovascular risk factors vasculaire.Elle improves muscle tone and flexibility particularly in joint members inférieurs.L psychological aspect is also important discovery, escape, contact with nature, group life, creating links amicaux.La walking, such as walking, has virtually no cons-indication if not joint problems (osteoarthritis in the lower limbs, for example) or cardiopulmonary (limiting physical conditions leading to shortness of breath and fast). Hiking in altitude (trekking) submit the hiker to decrease the oxygen of the air. She needed to be in excellent physical condition and show no indication-cons heart or lung (medical examination desirable).
The first tip for shoes. For hiking need good shoes, sturdy and comfortable. It is necessary to gradually adapt to his feet. Do not wear new shoes, same quality for a long hike. Shoes should be chosen taking ½ to 1 size extra because feet swell during prolongés.Il efforts is desirable to have two pairs of good shoes to be able to change every day and especially not to be compelled to give a pair still mouillée.Un backpack is necessary. It should be light and not hurt at frames. It can carry food, drinks, a mini first aid kit and clothing. It is necessary to take food and stop regularly to rehydrate. If the hike should last more than 2 hours, you must eat some solids (dried fruit, fresh fruit, energy bars, ...).
During the summer, consider always the sun and heat (cap, protective sunglasses, clothing light and clear water to spray, sunscreen) and winter cold (gloves, hat, sweater, socks silk socks under). few knowledge of first aid kit are desirable and a minimum. It should include scissors, tweezers, 3 or 4 mini-doses of disinfectant, some gauze, adhesive tape and tape types Velpeau or cohesive bandage (which does not stick but adheres to itself from the first round). It is important to never go alone (risk of injury) and still prevent before the start of the scheduled route or purpose of the preparation randonnée.Une slow and progressive distance is necessary if one wishes to make hikes of several hours. 20 to 30 km per day or more are not made without preparation suffisante.Il same goes for trekking must be prepared by progressive steps in altitude.
Major diseases
Pathologies related to walking are rare and usually little graves.La first relates to shoes: bulbs (blisters), friction, irritation, inflammation, wounds superficielles.Des tendinitis lower limbs can rencontrer.Des ankle sprains may occur (often due to fatigue), as well as wounds, bruises, fractures during chutes.Il Remember that your knees are in high demand in the downhill and they can become painful during long walks.
Cramps are not uncommon and usually sign too much effort compared to training accidents habituel.Les muscle (stretching, breakdown, tearing) are rares.Des discomfort may occur: hypoglycemia, stroke summer heat , dehydration. In altitude, substantially beyond 3 - 4000 m, altitude sickness can occur. It results in headache , nausea, vomiting, dizziness, trouble breathing. It needs to stop immediately and effort down quickly to a lower altitude. It is a sign of maladjustment to the depletion of oxygen.
All sports seek in one way or another, systems articular, muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. So they can aggravate pre-existing disease, or otherwise improve, or even cause some diseases.
Sometimes mandatory, most often needed
We also know that in children during growth, this interaction is even more evident with sometimes permanent damage. It therefore seems necessary that medical fitness is performed before starting a game or before practice again after years off. If the real "visit" hiring "is often mandatory for sports or school within a federation (the visit of fitness is required to participate in official competitions), it is not the same for the practice of leisure, which often leads to accidents through simple ignorance his state of health.
Visit a complete and rigorous
-Medical history : they relate to family history, personal medical history (asthma, heart disease, diabetes, etc.)., sports history and habitual physical activity, surgical history. -The cardiovascular examination : practiced preferably by a cardiologist at the request of a physician, it includes a physical examination (auscultation), an electrocardiogram to detect an arrhythmia or coronary problem) sometimes an echocardiogram (an ultrasound to see the physical heart but its throughput and contractile force). Note that 90% of demerit sport are cardiovascular causes. -The examination of the musculoskeletal system : it finds the legacy of past accidents by clinical examination or radiology, it quantifies the amplitude movements, hyperlaxités ligament or stiffness, it can detect problems that may be static or morphological decompensated through sport (abnormal orientation of the hips or knees, scoliosis?).
The general examination : it an overview of the major functions of the body, not to mention dental check, ENT and eye (visual acuity). , Biometrics : Weight, height, body mass index (which assesses a possible obesity), lean body mass. - physiological examination : it assesses muscle strength (isokinetic device), the oxygen consumption of the body to exercise (VO2max, or aerobic power speed). Note that the physiological tests (muscular strength, VO2 max, lactate) will only be made upon request of the subject, the coach or doctor because it is long and expensive tests. It then enters the medical but it is beyond the ability of simple visit. -profile lifestyle and diet : it allows to assess eating habits, but also the lifestyle (lifestyle, time sleep , intake of alcohol or narcotics, smoking). , The psychological examination : usually it is done by a psychologist at the request of a physician. It assesses personality and stress response). -The biological test (blood, urine).
A simple test
For an overall assessment of the ability to sports , you can use the test Ruffier-Dickson (30 reflections on the legs) that can roughly judge the ability to work.
Characteristics, features
The trek includes all the features and details of the march. The difference lies in the durée.Elle is one physical activity a sport in the sense that there is no compétition.La French Hiking Federation estimated that approximately 5 million, the number of these randonneurs.Ceux walk steadily, often over long distances and often several days, or not following marked routes called the National Trails (GR) or short hike (PR). Trekking is a hike Walking down to altitude. It therefore presents additional physical constraints.
Cons-indications and benefits
Hiking is an endurance activity , plans beneficial cardiovascular and pulmonary - slowing of the heart at rest and during exercise - improving blood circulation , especially in the venous circulation of the lower limbs - stabilization of blood pressure numbers - better tolerance to effort - less rapid onset of breathlessness on exertion. It is a great way to fight against cardiovascular risk factors vasculaire.Elle improves muscle tone and flexibility particularly in joint members inférieurs.L psychological aspect is also important discovery, escape, contact with nature, group life, creating links amicaux.La walking, such as walking, has virtually no cons-indication if not joint problems (osteoarthritis in the lower limbs, for example) or cardiopulmonary (limiting physical conditions leading to shortness of breath and fast). Hiking in altitude (trekking) submit the hiker to decrease the oxygen of the air. She needed to be in excellent physical condition and show no indication-cons heart or lung (medical examination desirable).
The first tip for shoes. For hiking need good shoes, sturdy and comfortable. It is necessary to gradually adapt to his feet. Do not wear new shoes, same quality for a long hike. Shoes should be chosen taking ½ to 1 size extra because feet swell during prolongés.Il efforts is desirable to have two pairs of good shoes to be able to change every day and especially not to be compelled to give a pair still mouillée.Un backpack is necessary. It should be light and not hurt at frames. It can carry food, drinks, a mini first aid kit and clothing. It is necessary to take food and stop regularly to rehydrate. If the hike should last more than 2 hours, you must eat some solids (dried fruit, fresh fruit, energy bars, ...).
During the summer, consider always the sun and heat (cap, protective sunglasses, clothing light and clear water to spray, sunscreen) and winter cold (gloves, hat, sweater, socks silk socks under). few knowledge of first aid kit are desirable and a minimum. It should include scissors, tweezers, 3 or 4 mini-doses of disinfectant, some gauze, adhesive tape and tape types Velpeau or cohesive bandage (which does not stick but adheres to itself from the first round). It is important to never go alone (risk of injury) and still prevent before the start of the scheduled route or purpose of the preparation randonnée.Une slow and progressive distance is necessary if one wishes to make hikes of several hours. 20 to 30 km per day or more are not made without preparation suffisante.Il same goes for trekking must be prepared by progressive steps in altitude.
Major diseases
Pathologies related to walking are rare and usually little graves.La first relates to shoes: bulbs (blisters), friction, irritation, inflammation, wounds superficielles.Des tendinitis lower limbs can rencontrer.Des ankle sprains may occur (often due to fatigue), as well as wounds, bruises, fractures during chutes.Il Remember that your knees are in high demand in the downhill and they can become painful during long walks.
Cramps are not uncommon and usually sign too much effort compared to training accidents habituel.Les muscle (stretching, breakdown, tearing) are rares.Des discomfort may occur: hypoglycemia, stroke summer heat , dehydration. In altitude, substantially beyond 3 - 4000 m, altitude sickness can occur. It results in headache , nausea, vomiting, dizziness, trouble breathing. It needs to stop immediately and effort down quickly to a lower altitude. It is a sign of maladjustment to the depletion of oxygen.
All sports seek in one way or another, systems articular, muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. So they can aggravate pre-existing disease, or otherwise improve, or even cause some diseases.
Sometimes mandatory, most often needed
We also know that in children during growth, this interaction is even more evident with sometimes permanent damage. It therefore seems necessary that medical fitness is performed before starting a game or before practice again after years off. If the real "visit" hiring "is often mandatory for sports or school within a federation (the visit of fitness is required to participate in official competitions), it is not the same for the practice of leisure, which often leads to accidents through simple ignorance his state of health.
Visit a complete and rigorous
-Medical history : they relate to family history, personal medical history (asthma, heart disease, diabetes, etc.)., sports history and habitual physical activity, surgical history. -The cardiovascular examination : practiced preferably by a cardiologist at the request of a physician, it includes a physical examination (auscultation), an electrocardiogram to detect an arrhythmia or coronary problem) sometimes an echocardiogram (an ultrasound to see the physical heart but its throughput and contractile force). Note that 90% of demerit sport are cardiovascular causes. -The examination of the musculoskeletal system : it finds the legacy of past accidents by clinical examination or radiology, it quantifies the amplitude movements, hyperlaxités ligament or stiffness, it can detect problems that may be static or morphological decompensated through sport (abnormal orientation of the hips or knees, scoliosis?).
The general examination : it an overview of the major functions of the body, not to mention dental check, ENT and eye (visual acuity). , Biometrics : Weight, height, body mass index (which assesses a possible obesity), lean body mass. - physiological examination : it assesses muscle strength (isokinetic device), the oxygen consumption of the body to exercise (VO2max, or aerobic power speed). Note that the physiological tests (muscular strength, VO2 max, lactate) will only be made upon request of the subject, the coach or doctor because it is long and expensive tests. It then enters the medical but it is beyond the ability of simple visit. -profile lifestyle and diet : it allows to assess eating habits, but also the lifestyle (lifestyle, time sleep , intake of alcohol or narcotics, smoking). , The psychological examination : usually it is done by a psychologist at the request of a physician. It assesses personality and stress response). -The biological test (blood, urine).
A simple test
For an overall assessment of the ability to sports , you can use the test Ruffier-Dickson (30 reflections on the legs) that can roughly judge the ability to work.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Control your cholesterol
There are two types of cholesterol: "bad" and "good." It is important to maintain a healthy rate because a high blood cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke. If you think you are at risk, are interested (e) the prevention or have been diagnosed with high cholesterol, here are some details to manage
What is blood cholesterol?
Cholesterol is a fat in the blood. Your body uses to make its cell membranes, vitamin D and some hormones. There are two types of cholesterol:
LDL (low density lipoprotein) - often called "bad" cholesterol because high levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood promotes the buildup of plaque on artery walls
HDL (high density lipoprotein) - called "good" cholesterol because it helps remove LDL cholesterol from the artery walls
Triglycerides are not cholesterol but another type of fat found in the blood. High levels of triglycerides are associated with overweight, excessive consumption of alcohol and diabetes. Your triglyceride level is usually measured at the same time as your cholesterol.
Cholesterol, heart disease and stroke
A high cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke. By lowering your cholesterol, you can significantly reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. A high cholesterol can cause buildup of plaque along artery walls and narrowing - a process called atherosclerosis - which affects the blood flow to your heart and your body and increases your risk of circulation problems, disease heart and stroke.
Nine ways to properly control your cholesterol
1. Have your cholesterol. Ask your doctor to make sure that:
- You are a man of 40 years or more.
- You are a postmenopausal woman or aged 50 years or older.
- Waist circumference greater than 102 cm (40 inches) in men and 88 cm (35 inches) in women. For persons of - Chinese or South Asian, if your waist measures more than 90 cm (35 inches) in men and 80 cm (32 inches) in women.
- You have a family history of heart disease or stroke.
2. Reduce your fat intake between 20 and 35% of your daily caloric intake.
3. Choose healthy fats such as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, which are found mainly in vegetable oils, nuts and fish.
4. Limit your intake of saturated fat to less than 7% of your total daily calories. Saturated fats are mainly found in red meat and dairy products high in fat.
5. Avoid trans fats - which are often found in foods made with fats or partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, margarine solids, fast foods and convenience foods. Trans fats raise the bad cholesterol and lower good cholesterol.
6. Use the Food Guide to Healthy Eating to plan healthier diet. Eat more vegetables, fruit and whole grains.
7. Use cooking methods low fat as oven, grill or steamed as much as possible and avoid frying.
8. Smoke-free. Smoking increases the bad cholesterol (LDL).
9. Be physically active. The Physical Activity Guide recommends that adults accumulate at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per week, in 10-minute segments. Regular physical activity helps improve good cholesterol.
10. Achieve and maintain your weight at a healthy BMI. Be aware of your waist.
If your weight is causing you problems, you're not alone. Over 60% of Canadian adults are overweight or obese, causing growing concern for this important risk factor associated with heart disease and stroke.
Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, you can significantly reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke while controlling for other health problems such as hypertension, high cholesterol and diabetes.
But in our busy lives, it is not always easy to find time to eat a healthy diet and be active regularly. Here are three easy ways to help you maintain a healthy weight.
1. Make your self
Waist size
Men whose waist circumference greater than 102 cm (40 inches) and women whose waist circumference exceeds 88 cm (35 inches) are more likely to suffer from health problems like heart disease, the hypertension or diabetes. For persons of Chinese or South Asian, the risks are high even for a smaller waist: 90 cm (35 inches) for men and 80 cm (32 inches) for women. Find out how to measure your waistline.
BMI (Body Mass Index)
Another way to determine if you are in the healthy weight is to calculate your body mass index "(or BMI). BMI is the ratio between the size and weight allows you to associate an interval of several weight to a healthy weight rather than a single ideal. Find out if your weight makes you prone to diseases associated with obesity such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Learn about your BMI .
2. Eat Healthy
In terms of power, the secret lies in the variety. Try a variety of nutritious foods that can prevent disease and have good taste. To create balanced meals with sensible portions, follow the Food Guide to Healthy Eating . For healthy recipes, visit our section ofrecipes .
3. Be physically active
There are several important reasons to incorporate physical activity into your life. This is a great way to maintain a healthy weight, reduce blood pressure, reduce cholesterol levels, manage stress and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Foundation of heart disease recommends Canadians to integrate into their daily life. Just 30 minutes of physical activity most days of the week are sufficient.
Tips for maintaining a healthy weight:
- Eat healthily and do regular physical activity.
- Lose weight gradually. Achieving a healthy weight is a long term commitment.
- Avoid fad diets.
- Eat a diet with less saturated and trans fats and more vegetables and fruits, complex carbohydrates and fiber-rich foods such as cereals and bread made of whole wheat.
- Use less fat for cooking. Cook your food in the oven, on the grill, steamed in water or on the barbecue.
- Check the size of your portions. Divide your plate into four sections. Fill in three quarters of grains and vegetables and a quarter of meat or meat alternatives such as beans.
- If you tend to compensate by food, identify the source of your stress and learn new ways to cope.
What is blood cholesterol?
Cholesterol is a fat in the blood. Your body uses to make its cell membranes, vitamin D and some hormones. There are two types of cholesterol:
LDL (low density lipoprotein) - often called "bad" cholesterol because high levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood promotes the buildup of plaque on artery walls
HDL (high density lipoprotein) - called "good" cholesterol because it helps remove LDL cholesterol from the artery walls
Triglycerides are not cholesterol but another type of fat found in the blood. High levels of triglycerides are associated with overweight, excessive consumption of alcohol and diabetes. Your triglyceride level is usually measured at the same time as your cholesterol.
Cholesterol, heart disease and stroke
A high cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke. By lowering your cholesterol, you can significantly reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. A high cholesterol can cause buildup of plaque along artery walls and narrowing - a process called atherosclerosis - which affects the blood flow to your heart and your body and increases your risk of circulation problems, disease heart and stroke.
Nine ways to properly control your cholesterol
1. Have your cholesterol. Ask your doctor to make sure that:
- You are a man of 40 years or more.
- You are a postmenopausal woman or aged 50 years or older.
- Waist circumference greater than 102 cm (40 inches) in men and 88 cm (35 inches) in women. For persons of - Chinese or South Asian, if your waist measures more than 90 cm (35 inches) in men and 80 cm (32 inches) in women.
- You have a family history of heart disease or stroke.
2. Reduce your fat intake between 20 and 35% of your daily caloric intake.
3. Choose healthy fats such as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, which are found mainly in vegetable oils, nuts and fish.
4. Limit your intake of saturated fat to less than 7% of your total daily calories. Saturated fats are mainly found in red meat and dairy products high in fat.
5. Avoid trans fats - which are often found in foods made with fats or partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, margarine solids, fast foods and convenience foods. Trans fats raise the bad cholesterol and lower good cholesterol.
6. Use the Food Guide to Healthy Eating to plan healthier diet. Eat more vegetables, fruit and whole grains.
7. Use cooking methods low fat as oven, grill or steamed as much as possible and avoid frying.
8. Smoke-free. Smoking increases the bad cholesterol (LDL).
9. Be physically active. The Physical Activity Guide recommends that adults accumulate at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per week, in 10-minute segments. Regular physical activity helps improve good cholesterol.
10. Achieve and maintain your weight at a healthy BMI. Be aware of your waist.
If your weight is causing you problems, you're not alone. Over 60% of Canadian adults are overweight or obese, causing growing concern for this important risk factor associated with heart disease and stroke.
Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, you can significantly reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke while controlling for other health problems such as hypertension, high cholesterol and diabetes.
But in our busy lives, it is not always easy to find time to eat a healthy diet and be active regularly. Here are three easy ways to help you maintain a healthy weight.
1. Make your self
Waist size
Men whose waist circumference greater than 102 cm (40 inches) and women whose waist circumference exceeds 88 cm (35 inches) are more likely to suffer from health problems like heart disease, the hypertension or diabetes. For persons of Chinese or South Asian, the risks are high even for a smaller waist: 90 cm (35 inches) for men and 80 cm (32 inches) for women. Find out how to measure your waistline.
BMI (Body Mass Index)
Another way to determine if you are in the healthy weight is to calculate your body mass index "(or BMI). BMI is the ratio between the size and weight allows you to associate an interval of several weight to a healthy weight rather than a single ideal. Find out if your weight makes you prone to diseases associated with obesity such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Learn about your BMI .
2. Eat Healthy
In terms of power, the secret lies in the variety. Try a variety of nutritious foods that can prevent disease and have good taste. To create balanced meals with sensible portions, follow the Food Guide to Healthy Eating . For healthy recipes, visit our section ofrecipes .
3. Be physically active
There are several important reasons to incorporate physical activity into your life. This is a great way to maintain a healthy weight, reduce blood pressure, reduce cholesterol levels, manage stress and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Foundation of heart disease recommends Canadians to integrate into their daily life. Just 30 minutes of physical activity most days of the week are sufficient.
Tips for maintaining a healthy weight:
- Eat healthily and do regular physical activity.
- Lose weight gradually. Achieving a healthy weight is a long term commitment.
- Avoid fad diets.
- Eat a diet with less saturated and trans fats and more vegetables and fruits, complex carbohydrates and fiber-rich foods such as cereals and bread made of whole wheat.
- Use less fat for cooking. Cook your food in the oven, on the grill, steamed in water or on the barbecue.
- Check the size of your portions. Divide your plate into four sections. Fill in three quarters of grains and vegetables and a quarter of meat or meat alternatives such as beans.
- If you tend to compensate by food, identify the source of your stress and learn new ways to cope.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Control Your Blood Pressure
Hypertension is the most important risk factor for stroke (stroke) and one of the main risk factors associated with heart disease. It is important that your blood pressure is within the recommended values. If you think you are at risk or if you already have hypertension, you will find below information step by step on how to control it.
What is hypertension?
Blood pressure is a measure of the pressure or force of blood against the walls of your blood vessels called arteries. The top number represents the pressure when the heart contracts and pushes blood out (systolic) and the bottom number is the lowest pressure, when the heart relaxes between beats (diastolic). pressure pressure that is consistently above 140/90 mm Hg during measurements at the doctor's office or more than 135/85 mm Hg is considered high at home. If you are diabetic, a measurement of 140/90 mm Hg is considered high. Normal blood pressure is below 120/80 mm Hg If your blood pressure is between 130/85 mm Hg and 139/89 mm Hg you have a blood pressure "normal high", which is more likely to become hypertension.
How do I check my blood pressure?
The only way to know if you have hypertension is to have your blood pressure checked by your doctor or other qualified health care provider. It is recommended for the general public to check their blood pressure at least once every two years. If you have received a diagnosis of hypertension (or other related health problems), your doctor will recommend that you have it checked more often. Be sure to ask your doctor how often your blood pressure should be checked.
What are the values of blood pressure?
Category |
Systolic / Diastolic |
Par |
120-129 / 80-84 |
High normal |
130-139 / 85-89 |
Blood pressure Blood pressure Hypertension in |
135/85 140/90 |
A high reading does not necessarily mean you have high blood pressure. If your reading is high, you should be measured at least twice at different times to see if it is consistently high.
Record your blood pressure readings. You and your doctor can determine if your blood pressure is within the healthy values. The need and the type of treatment your blood pressure depends on many factors.
What causes hypertension does heart disease and stroke?
Over time, high blood pressure can damage blood vessel walls, causing scarring that promotes the build-up of fatty plaque that can narrow the arteries and later the block. It also strains the heart and, over time, weaken. A very high blood pressure may cause the rupture of blood vessels inside the brain and cause a stroke.
What can I do to control my blood pressure?
Hypertension can be caused by many factors. Some of these factors are beyond your control, such as age, ethnicity and gender. Other factors, such as diet, physical activity and smoking may be modified by improving their lifestyles to reduce the risk of hypertension.
- Have your blood pressure checked regularly, as recommended by your health care provider.
- If your doctor has prescribed medications , take them as directed.
- Reduce your intake of sodium. Found elevated sources of sodium in several types of ready-to-eat snacks, as well as among the meats and smoked fish, salted, processed and canned. Also limit the amount of salt added during cooking or at the table. Foundation of heart disease recommends Canadians consume less than 2 300 mg of sodium (about 5 ml or 1 tsp.) Per day, whether or dishes prepared cil that are added during cooking and at the table. Eat a healthy balanced diet low in fat (especially saturated and trans fats) based on Canada's Food Guide . Tips for healthy eating, see Healthy Eating our website. Learn about the DASH diet , which can help you reduce your blood pressure.
- Be physically active for at least 150 minutes per week practicing aerobic activity of moderate to vigorous in segments of 10 minutes or more. Consult your healthcare provider before starting a physical activity program.
- Achieve and maintain a healthy weight. If you are overweight, the fact of losing as little as 5% or 10% of your weight can help lower your blood pressure and significantly reduce your risk of stroke or heart attack.
- Do not smoke. If you smoke, talk to your doctor or health care provider about quitting. If you do not smoke, avoid second hand smoke.
- If you drink alcohol, do not take more than two drinks per day for a maximum of 10 drinks per week for women and more than 3 drinks per day for a maximum of 15 drinks per week for men. (Avoid drinking when you use a vehicle, taking medications or other substances that interact with alcohol, are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, should make important decisions, make physical activity unsafe or are responsible for the safety others. Avoid drinking if you are addicted to alcohol or other problem physical or mental health. If you are worried about the effects of alcohol on your health, consult your doctor.)
- Find healthy ways to manage your stress. Too much stress can raise your blood pressure. Research suggests that how you manage your stress is important. Avoid unhealthy mechanisms stress management such as smoking, alcohol consumption, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, spending too much screen time and relieve the rather physical activity, social activities, relaxation and healthy eating. Make sure to set aside time for you.
How to measure my blood pressure at home?
Home measurement of blood pressure can help your doctor diagnose hypertension correctly. Some people have a higher blood pressure during their visit to the doctor. However, while these people go about their daily lives, their blood pressure is normal. This problem is called "white coat syndrome" because it refers to the white coat of healthcare professionals.
By cons, some other people have normal blood pressure during their medical consultation, but this pressure rises in other circumstances. This phenomenon is known as masked hypertension. Your doctor may ask you to measure your blood pressure if necessary.
It is important to ensure that measures taken your blood pressure at home is accurate so that your health care professional may have just an overview of your blood pressure.
What are the considerations to make before purchasing a home blood pressure monitor for?
Before buying a sphygmomanometer for home use, you must know the exact size of the cuff you need. Here's how:
- Measure the circumference (midpoint between shoulder and elbow) of your upper arm bare.
- Match your measurement to those indicated on the box of the monitor or in the instruction manual.
How do I check my measurements are accurate at home?
Accurate readings also depend on how you prepare to take your blood pressure. Follow the steps below to obtain the most accurate reading possible:
- Sit five minutes before taking your reading.
- Refrain from smoking or drinking beverages containing caffeine (coffee, tea, cola) 30 minutes before taking your blood pressure.
- Do not measure your blood pressure when you are upset or in pain.
- If necessary, empty your bladder or bowel before starting.
- Sit quietly with your feet flat on the floor, leaning on a chair or on a firm surface for at least five minutes before and during the measurement.
- Use the same arm each time. Completely remove bulky clothing or tight in your arms.
- Wrap the blood pressure cuff around the upper arm adjusting naked (you should be able to get two fingers between the blood pressure cuff and your arm). The edge of the cuff should be about one to two centimeters (½ to 1 inch) above your elbow.
- Place your arm on a table or firm surface. The cuff should be equal to your heart.
- Do not talk and do not watch TV during the measurement.
- Take a measurement of your blood pressure and register there.
- Bring the sheet on which are listed the measurements of your blood pressure at your next appointment with your health care professional.
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