This section of CVD treatment gives you a lot of information on antihypertensive, cholesterol, statins, angiotensin converting enzyme, beta blockers.
After a myocardial infarction, it is often necessary to take 4 or 5 drugs. This can be tedious and very simple. Question of motivation and organization.
Aspirin , beta-blocker, an inhibitor of angiotensin converting enzyme, statins, this is at least 4 medications to take after a stroke . They are what we call the basic treatment . Why take them? Because each individual has shown that significantly increased life and reduced the number of relapses. But also because their effects are cumulative! Their regular intake reduces the risk of relapse over 50% (up 80%)!
Question of motivation
To be effective, these drugs must be taken for life . We must remain motivated and well organized. Motivation issue, the most important thing is to start the treatment as soon as possible , that is to say, the hospital or shortly after discharge. In fact, when you are still under the shock of the accident, your motivation is at its maximum: avoid relapse retains its sense and is even the most important thing for you at this time. Some services cardiology care about the basic treatment of the infarct and not just the treatment of the acute phase. Other neglect this aspect of treatment and it is regrettable.Pour be effective, these drugs must be prescribed with conviction! This is shown by a study (Survey DUO-HTA): the doctors get less convinced of less successful in terms of observance than their counterparts?? It is interesting to savoir.Ensuite, over time, the memory fades infarction (thankfully!). You resume a normal life and your ulterior motives recede. So, the basic treatment becomes more annoying than anything else. We must remain motivated and the gist is positively perceive your treatment and not as a chore. Rather than saying, "I must not forget to take my medication. "Adopt positive formulations like" I have to think about taking them. "Our brain interprets indeed our first degree expressions and what he dislikes is negative! You can also consider other medications. They are your source of life, such as vitamins . Why not take them like vitamins?
Question of organization
Traps do not fail to remember, starting with the first weekend when we find ourselves without a box, the end of the month with the weekend?? Know that stop short of any of your products is not catastrophic. You can simply return or in your treatment when you get back. Namely: do not want to catch the pills you missed. Simply continue your treatment as before. remains that early warning must push yourself you better organized. You must be able to have a month's supply. Talk to your doctor , he will hold your prescription conséquence.Le next problem is to think about it every day , almost automatically. The trick is the most famous place in the box next to tea or any other purpose daily. Any solution is welcome. This may be your napkin or a box that is always on the table to serve before meals.
Do not rely completely on the other
In many cases, it is your spouse who takes care of you, who buys drugs, makes appointments with the doctor and prepares you for your pills before each meal. Mothered you and you are recognized gentlemen! If this is your case, two attitudes are beneficial: Be grateful and participate too. Our minds, as we have seen, prefers the positive. The moaners discourage their women , or transform this act of love chore "Encore! You only think about it! ". Do the opposite, praise it! She will be happy and this will become a daily act of emotional exchange: "Thanks for thinking of me, it helps a lot. "But do not neglect to participate in your treatment. Inform yourself on it (things are moving in science), note on your calendar the consultations , assessments. Try to think of you, too, to see if your product pipeline is sufficient. And if you go to the pharmacy from time to time? In short, be helped, yes, this is a great opportunity , but do not let go completely!
Talking about your problems
Finally, if you are having problems taking your medications , you must talk to your doctor or pharmacist . Indeed, it is normal to consider that taking medication is at least as important as having them prescribe?? Your doctor or pharmacist can then help you think your organization.
The treatments prescribed for the heart , first and foremost are the antihypertensive and cholesterol (including statins ), are also good for the brain. Specifically, they reduce the risk of stroke and Alzheimer's disease .
You did a myocardial infarction and your doctor will prescribe an antihypertensive and cholesterol. Tablets to take more you say? Yes, but they are particularly valuable for your heart and your head.
Regular intake of these drugs , combined with taking a blood thinner such as aspirin, reduces your risk of relapse by almost 80%. This is already a good reason to follow your treatment!
Twice as Alzheimer's
Taking this drug is also beneficial for the future of your brain . The Syst-Eur study has shown that taking antihypertensive halved the incidence of Alzheimer's disease . Six other studies have shown that statins, in turn, decreased to 73% in the incidence of this disease by lowering cholesterol .
These recent results are all the more significant that these drugs have already amply demonstrated that decreased the risk of stroke of equally important.
We thus arrive at a paradox: those taking statins for example, have less risk of developing disease Alzheimer's later than those who did not take! In other words, be treated is lucky !
Improved memory
You would still have other good reasons to motivate you to take your treatment? And many studies have shown that statins also contributed to maintaining the capacity of the memory.
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