Thursday, August 23, 2012

Sport And Health Guide

How to Choose a Sport? What are the cons-indications to sports ? Guide in the Health and Sport , discover in detail the various sporting activities and valuable advice sports such as athlete's diet , diseases of sports.

Characteristics, features

The trek includes all the features and details of the march. The difference lies in the durée.Elle is one physical activity a sport in the sense that there is no compétition.La French Hiking Federation estimated that approximately 5 million, the number of these randonneurs.Ceux walk steadily, often over long distances and often several days, or not following marked routes called the National Trails (GR) or short hike (PR). Trekking is a hike Walking down to altitude. It therefore presents additional physical constraints.

Cons-indications and benefits

Hiking is an endurance activity , plans beneficial cardiovascular and pulmonary - slowing of the heart at rest and during exercise - improving blood circulation , especially in the venous circulation of the lower limbs - stabilization of blood pressure numbers - better tolerance to effort - less rapid onset of breathlessness on exertion. It is a great way to fight against cardiovascular risk factors vasculaire.Elle improves muscle tone and flexibility particularly in joint members inférieurs.L psychological aspect is also important discovery, escape, contact with nature, group life, creating links amicaux.La walking, such as walking, has virtually no cons-indication if not joint problems (osteoarthritis in the lower limbs, for example) or cardiopulmonary (limiting physical conditions leading to shortness of breath and fast). Hiking in altitude (trekking) submit the hiker to decrease the oxygen of the air. She needed to be in excellent physical condition and show no indication-cons heart or lung (medical examination desirable).


The first tip for shoes. For hiking need good shoes, sturdy and comfortable. It is necessary to gradually adapt to his feet. Do not wear new shoes, same quality for a long hike. Shoes should be chosen taking ½ to 1 size extra because feet swell during prolongés.Il efforts is desirable to have two pairs of good shoes to be able to change every day and especially not to be compelled to give a pair still mouillée.Un backpack is necessary. It should be light and not hurt at frames. It can carry food, drinks, a mini first aid kit and clothing. It is necessary to take food and stop regularly to rehydrate. If the hike should last more than 2 hours, you must eat some solids (dried fruit, fresh fruit, energy bars, ...).

During the summer, consider always the sun and heat (cap, protective sunglasses, clothing light and clear water to spray, sunscreen) and winter cold (gloves, hat, sweater, socks silk socks under). few knowledge of first aid kit are desirable and a minimum. It should include scissors, tweezers, 3 or 4 mini-doses of disinfectant, some gauze, adhesive tape and tape types Velpeau or cohesive bandage (which does not stick but adheres to itself from the first round). It is important to never go alone (risk of injury) and still prevent before the start of the scheduled route or purpose of the preparation randonnée.Une slow and progressive distance is necessary if one wishes to make hikes of several hours. 20 to 30 km per day or more are not made without preparation suffisante.Il same goes for trekking must be prepared by progressive steps in altitude.

Major diseases

Pathologies related to walking are rare and usually little graves.La first relates to shoes: bulbs (blisters), friction, irritation, inflammation, wounds superficielles.Des tendinitis lower limbs can rencontrer.Des ankle sprains may occur (often due to fatigue), as well as wounds, bruises, fractures during chutes.Il Remember that your knees are in high demand in the downhill and they can become painful during long walks.

Cramps are not uncommon and usually sign too much effort compared to training accidents habituel.Les muscle (stretching, breakdown, tearing) are rares.Des discomfort may occur: hypoglycemia, stroke summer heat , dehydration. In altitude, substantially beyond 3 - 4000 m, altitude sickness can occur. It results in headache , nausea, vomiting, dizziness, trouble breathing. It needs to stop immediately and effort down quickly to a lower altitude. It is a sign of maladjustment to the depletion of oxygen.


All sports seek in one way or another, systems articular, muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. So they can aggravate pre-existing disease, or otherwise improve, or even cause some diseases.

Sometimes mandatory, most often needed

We also know that in children during growth, this interaction is even more evident with sometimes permanent damage. It therefore seems necessary that medical fitness is performed before starting a game or before practice again after years off. If the real "visit" hiring "is often mandatory for sports or school within a federation (the visit of fitness is required to participate in official competitions), it is not the same for the practice of leisure, which often leads to accidents through simple ignorance his state of health.

Visit a complete and rigorous

-Medical history : they relate to family history, personal medical history (asthma, heart disease, diabetes, etc.)., sports history and habitual physical activity, surgical history. -The cardiovascular examination : practiced preferably by a cardiologist at the request of a physician, it includes a physical examination (auscultation), an electrocardiogram to detect an arrhythmia or coronary problem) sometimes an echocardiogram (an ultrasound to see the physical heart but its throughput and contractile force). Note that 90% of demerit sport are cardiovascular causes. -The examination of the musculoskeletal system : it finds the legacy of past accidents by clinical examination or radiology, it quantifies the amplitude movements, hyperlaxités ligament or stiffness, it can detect problems that may be static or morphological decompensated through sport (abnormal orientation of the hips or knees, scoliosis?).

The general examination : it an overview of the major functions of the body, not to mention dental check, ENT and eye (visual acuity). , Biometrics : Weight, height, body mass index (which assesses a possible obesity), lean body mass. - physiological examination : it assesses muscle strength (isokinetic device), the oxygen consumption of the body to exercise (VO2max, or aerobic power speed). Note that the physiological tests (muscular strength, VO2 max, lactate) will only be made ​​upon request of the subject, the coach or doctor because it is long and expensive tests. It then enters the medical but it is beyond the ability of simple visit. -profile lifestyle and diet : it allows to assess eating habits, but also the lifestyle (lifestyle, time sleep , intake of alcohol or narcotics, smoking). , The psychological examination : usually it is done by a psychologist at the request of a physician. It assesses personality and stress response). -The biological test (blood, urine).

A simple test
For an overall assessment of the ability to sports , you can use the test Ruffier-Dickson (30 reflections on the legs) that can roughly judge the ability to work.

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