What about Baby Blues? The baby blues is a reaction postnatal frequent, occurring in 3 to 10 days after the birth and of short duration, a few hours to a few days. This temporary condition is not a disease, but a moment of depression during which installs the mother-child relationship. Hypersensitivity and anxiety are the main signs and foremost a demand from listening environment.
The baby blues occurs within days of the birth and manifests as "symptoms" vary from one woman to another:
- crying for no apparent reason.
- mood swings, melancholy ideas.
- hypersensitivity to criticism or comments made by the environment.
- irritability, anxiety about his ability to be able to care for the baby.
- difficult to focus on the newborn and guilt.
- despondency, discouragement.
- insomnia.
- Hormonal cause: the baby blues is related to the sudden drop in estrogen and progesterone concentrations within a few hours after delivery of the placenta, concentrations were very high during pregnancy. However, these hormones have a real effect antidepressant . This hormonal upheaval causes significant disruption of the internal clock and emotions.
- Psychological cause: the baby blues is also linked to the aftermath of the pregnancy and the birth , which are really tiring events. Young mothers suffer from a lack of more or less sleep and it is well known that the strain has emotional impact, such as irritability, hypersensitivity and fear of not being able to cope. From the status of a pregnant woman as a mother is not always easy. Becoming a mother entails new responsibilities that may concern. Will it measure up? Finally, many women are confused because they see a gap between the imagined baby during pregnancy and the baby they have in front of them.
- Organizing the homecoming: delegate a maximum of things dad, grandparents of your child, or a housekeeper.
- Do not remain isolated: try to spend time each day with another adult: invite your friends, your family and talk about something other than the baby.
- Schedule a recreational activity per day: go out shopping, go see a friend, walk by baby stores, and even better, go out without baby.
- Rest: try to sleep at the same time as your baby.
- Talk to your partner, a friend who has already been there: know also that the gynecologist or midwife used this depression among young mothers passing and will reassure you.
- Focus on physical contact with her child it is important to him to share his emotions and feelings.
- Perspective: the baby blues is not a disease, it is normal and most women go through there!
When to see
- The feeling of discomfort persists beyond 15 days.
- The depression is significant proportions.
The physician or psychologist will check that it is an episode of the baby blues and not a true depression , deeper. It is suspected if the mom still feels tired and depressed 6-8 weeks after childbirth , if she refuses to see his family or friends, if she can not take care of her baby or 'herself, if she is afraid of hurting her. It can also show signs of anorexia or bulimia.
The first thing to do is to recognize that they are suffering from baby blues and agree to talk. This is the first step on the road to recovery. The environment plays a key role presence, help and support. A maternity care team, the psychologist are also there to listen, help care for the baby. If necessary, the prescription tranquilizer, low dose, will calm the insomnia and anxiety of the mother.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Becoming A Healthy Eater
Becoming A Healthy Eater: Being a healthy eater requires you to become both educated and smart about what healthy eating actually is. Being food smart isn't about learning to calculate grams or fat, or is it about studying labels and counting calories.
Guide Symptoms Frostbite
What about Frostbite?
The frostbite is a burning of the skin caused by exposure to a cold extreme. Sometimes a few seconds for the cause, especially at high altitudes by winds or if the clothes are wet. It mainly affects the extremities (fingers and toes) and sometimes the face (ears, nose and cheeks).
The frostbite is a burning of the skin caused by exposure to a cold extreme. Sometimes a few seconds for the cause, especially at high altitudes by winds or if the clothes are wet. It mainly affects the extremities (fingers and toes) and sometimes the face (ears, nose and cheeks).
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Treatment Of Cardiovascular Diseases
This section of CVD treatment gives you a lot of information on antihypertensive, cholesterol, statins, angiotensin converting enzyme, beta blockers.
After a myocardial infarction, it is often necessary to take 4 or 5 drugs. This can be tedious and very simple. Question of motivation and organization.
After a myocardial infarction, it is often necessary to take 4 or 5 drugs. This can be tedious and very simple. Question of motivation and organization.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Fruits And Vegetables Improves Breathing
For the heart and blood vessels, it was proved that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and fish was preferable to a diet such as meat / fries. It's the same vis-Ã -vis the breath : the closer the food first model, the more its function protects breathing .
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Diet And Cardiovascular Risk
This section Food and cardiovascular risk gives you a lot of information on the prevention of cardiovascular disease through balanced diet like the Mediterranean diet or Crete.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Women, Cardiovascular Risk And Longevity
Women are like men! It is true, at least in their arteries because, like them, the absence of cardiovascular risk allows them to live longer . Conversely, the more they risk factors for cardiovascular disease , the more they are exposed.
Inverse relationship between longevity and risk factors cardivoasuclaire
Take a group of 7,302 women and follow them for 31 years. Note the factors of risk cardiovascular each of them and classify them into four groups: 0, 1, 2 and more than two risk factors. Then, write the number and cause of deaths over the period.
You get data on whether the absence of factor risk cardiovascular protection and guarantee of longevity .
This is what was done in the United States by the Chicago Heart Association Detection Project in Industry. And the results are very impressive: mortality risk cardiovascular , but also the overall risk is multiplied by 5-6 between those who pose no risk and those who have more than two. This increased risk is exponential:
- a factor, the risk is multiplied by 1.1;
- with two factors, the risk is multiplied by 3.3;
- with more than two factors, the risk is multiplied by 6.
What are the risk factors taken into account?
These are the risk factors most important, namely:
- the blood pressure (greater than or equal to 14/9);
- the cholesterol (above 2 g / l);
- diabetes (blood glucose above 1.23 g / l);
- mass index (BMI greater than 25);
- and smoking.
It is important to remember this is of course good news: there is no risk cardiovascular is a guarantee of longevity. It should also be understood that care to eliminate one or more factors of cardiovascular risk is very useful.
hence the importance of regular visits to the doctor from 40 years and a measure of the tension pressure to each occasion.
Infarction is a terrible ordeal imposed, although in his heart, but also his emotional life, because of the sensation of imminent death sometimes felt on top of the pain. This immense fear sometimes leaves scars that EMDR is proposed to help clear a few sessions (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing or French neuro-emotional integration by eye movements).
The anguish, the state of stress and depression are forms of emotional scars that may complicate the return to normal life after a heart attack. Sometimes it's a real posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which insidiously.
Infarction can be a traumatic experience
PTSD is a psychological well-known psychiatrists, but also cardiologists. It is a disorder which can occur whenever a person must go through a situation with a life-threatening, there has been no trauma or body. An earthquake , a hijacking, an accident (such as the collapse of Terminal Roissy recently), rape, accident , for example, are situations that may be the cause of PTSD. Myocardial infarction, which is felt as a sudden life-threatening by the patient, can also cause such trauma.
Who relives a nightmare day and night
A person with PTSD is found in great suffering and psychological fragility . Despite herself, she remembers constantly terrifying episode that was the source of her trauma. Awake or asleep, in the form of nightmares , she relives the traumatic initial obsessively. She is constantly on the alert as a radar would watch day and night danger. It is particularly anxious , has constantly need to be reassured, has trouble sleeping and concentrating.
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), or French neuro-emotional integration by eye movements is a brief psychotherapeutic method came straight from the United States. It is based on the assumption that the therapist can help resolve emotional trauma by moving rhythmically patient's eyes while conversing. The underlying idea is that each of us is a mechanism for "digestion" emotional trauma, but in some situations, the trauma does not digest well. It remains etched in a part of our brain or our emotional intelligence, our faculties or rationalization, fail to erase. EMDR sessions thus aim to encourage the system of "digestion" of the brain to stimulate his powers of self-healing and allow it to erase the trace until indelible traumatic.
The sleep is essential for all health and also for the heart . So much to do everything to have a good night .
A good sleep, good heart
Sleep is the most effective way to recover (with food and physical activity). It is therefore essential to be concerned. In practice, three scenarios are possible:
- you sleep well and just keep a good hygiene of sleep ,
- you are an insomniac ,
- you have respiratory problems related to sleep .
Good sleep hygiene
These tips are generally well known, but not always respected ... Both remember:
- lie down if possible one hour you can sleep your account (between 7 and 8 o'clock in general)
- beware of TV programs late: they lead us to ensure quite unnecessarily,
- avoid irritations and tensions in the evening, especially those related to the computer or at work,
- no bathroom warm evening
- no sport in the evening,
- attention to heavy meals,
- and avoid alcohol.
Manage insomnia
Advice, you know, but you're an insomniac , from father to son (or mother to daughter ...). However, you take a pill every night to sleep ... Do not worry, you're not alone and many people are like you. What you should know is that it must make you follow a doctor so as not to become dependent or not to suffer the side effects of drugs :
- some tranquilizers taken every day can lead to mood depression or loss of memory ,
- some antidepressants taken in low doses can help you sleep , but they can also have unpleasant side effects such as anorgasmia (loss of sensation of orgasm)
- the sleeping most prescribed (Stilnox and Imovane) should not be taken continuously. It is better to vary the doses and organize to take breaks.
In other words, do not automédiquer taking the drugs spouse. We must also learn to manage his nights so that the best nights are offset so good. In practice, it should prefer to live nights of varying quality, rather than trying "to knock" every night, at the risk of losing his health.
Sleep-related breathing disorders
Some sleep disorders are dangerous to the heart . It is those who cause apnea during which the heart and throughout the body eventually run out of oxygen. These disorders are often associated with snoring and overweight, and can be found in these patients abnormal palate.
If you think you have an eating disorder, which is reflected in particular by nights of poor quality and a tendency to sleep and be sleepy during the day, talk to your doctor. Indeed exist effective solutions that will revolutionize your life. It will offer you to lose weight , eat lighter at night, but also to offer a balance for a specific operation of the soft palate or testing apparatus to avoid respiratory pauses.
Inverse relationship between longevity and risk factors cardivoasuclaire
Take a group of 7,302 women and follow them for 31 years. Note the factors of risk cardiovascular each of them and classify them into four groups: 0, 1, 2 and more than two risk factors. Then, write the number and cause of deaths over the period.
You get data on whether the absence of factor risk cardiovascular protection and guarantee of longevity .
This is what was done in the United States by the Chicago Heart Association Detection Project in Industry. And the results are very impressive: mortality risk cardiovascular , but also the overall risk is multiplied by 5-6 between those who pose no risk and those who have more than two. This increased risk is exponential:
- a factor, the risk is multiplied by 1.1;
- with two factors, the risk is multiplied by 3.3;
- with more than two factors, the risk is multiplied by 6.
What are the risk factors taken into account?
These are the risk factors most important, namely:
- the blood pressure (greater than or equal to 14/9);
- the cholesterol (above 2 g / l);
- diabetes (blood glucose above 1.23 g / l);
- mass index (BMI greater than 25);
- and smoking.
It is important to remember this is of course good news: there is no risk cardiovascular is a guarantee of longevity. It should also be understood that care to eliminate one or more factors of cardiovascular risk is very useful.
hence the importance of regular visits to the doctor from 40 years and a measure of the tension pressure to each occasion.
Infarction is a terrible ordeal imposed, although in his heart, but also his emotional life, because of the sensation of imminent death sometimes felt on top of the pain. This immense fear sometimes leaves scars that EMDR is proposed to help clear a few sessions (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing or French neuro-emotional integration by eye movements).
The anguish, the state of stress and depression are forms of emotional scars that may complicate the return to normal life after a heart attack. Sometimes it's a real posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which insidiously.
Infarction can be a traumatic experience
PTSD is a psychological well-known psychiatrists, but also cardiologists. It is a disorder which can occur whenever a person must go through a situation with a life-threatening, there has been no trauma or body. An earthquake , a hijacking, an accident (such as the collapse of Terminal Roissy recently), rape, accident , for example, are situations that may be the cause of PTSD. Myocardial infarction, which is felt as a sudden life-threatening by the patient, can also cause such trauma.
Who relives a nightmare day and night
A person with PTSD is found in great suffering and psychological fragility . Despite herself, she remembers constantly terrifying episode that was the source of her trauma. Awake or asleep, in the form of nightmares , she relives the traumatic initial obsessively. She is constantly on the alert as a radar would watch day and night danger. It is particularly anxious , has constantly need to be reassured, has trouble sleeping and concentrating.
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), or French neuro-emotional integration by eye movements is a brief psychotherapeutic method came straight from the United States. It is based on the assumption that the therapist can help resolve emotional trauma by moving rhythmically patient's eyes while conversing. The underlying idea is that each of us is a mechanism for "digestion" emotional trauma, but in some situations, the trauma does not digest well. It remains etched in a part of our brain or our emotional intelligence, our faculties or rationalization, fail to erase. EMDR sessions thus aim to encourage the system of "digestion" of the brain to stimulate his powers of self-healing and allow it to erase the trace until indelible traumatic.
The sleep is essential for all health and also for the heart . So much to do everything to have a good night .
A good sleep, good heart
Sleep is the most effective way to recover (with food and physical activity). It is therefore essential to be concerned. In practice, three scenarios are possible:
- you sleep well and just keep a good hygiene of sleep ,
- you are an insomniac ,
- you have respiratory problems related to sleep .
Good sleep hygiene
These tips are generally well known, but not always respected ... Both remember:
- lie down if possible one hour you can sleep your account (between 7 and 8 o'clock in general)
- beware of TV programs late: they lead us to ensure quite unnecessarily,
- avoid irritations and tensions in the evening, especially those related to the computer or at work,
- no bathroom warm evening
- no sport in the evening,
- attention to heavy meals,
- and avoid alcohol.
Manage insomnia
Advice, you know, but you're an insomniac , from father to son (or mother to daughter ...). However, you take a pill every night to sleep ... Do not worry, you're not alone and many people are like you. What you should know is that it must make you follow a doctor so as not to become dependent or not to suffer the side effects of drugs :
- some tranquilizers taken every day can lead to mood depression or loss of memory ,
- some antidepressants taken in low doses can help you sleep , but they can also have unpleasant side effects such as anorgasmia (loss of sensation of orgasm)
- the sleeping most prescribed (Stilnox and Imovane) should not be taken continuously. It is better to vary the doses and organize to take breaks.
In other words, do not automédiquer taking the drugs spouse. We must also learn to manage his nights so that the best nights are offset so good. In practice, it should prefer to live nights of varying quality, rather than trying "to knock" every night, at the risk of losing his health.
Sleep-related breathing disorders
Some sleep disorders are dangerous to the heart . It is those who cause apnea during which the heart and throughout the body eventually run out of oxygen. These disorders are often associated with snoring and overweight, and can be found in these patients abnormal palate.
If you think you have an eating disorder, which is reflected in particular by nights of poor quality and a tendency to sleep and be sleepy during the day, talk to your doctor. Indeed exist effective solutions that will revolutionize your life. It will offer you to lose weight , eat lighter at night, but also to offer a balance for a specific operation of the soft palate or testing apparatus to avoid respiratory pauses.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Guide Heart, Cardiovascular
This guide Heart, Cardiovascular give you lots of information on the prevention of cardiovascular risk , diet and cardiovascular risk , balance sheets and followed by cardiovascular disease , treatment of heart disease and live after a cardiac event.
What is the relationship between influenza and heart? Well flu promotes the onset of infarction within three days after infection. Flu favors equally stroke. Hence the importance of vaccination.
Is a urinary tract infection or respiratory illness, like flu, pneumonia or bronchitis , may increase the risk of a myocardial infarction or a stroke? The answer is "YES" and we know from the results of a British study that followed the record 60,000 people who had a heart attack and 55,000 who had a stroke. An increase in the occurrence of these strokes is indeed observed in the days following the infection, especially towards the third.
Fittingly, the researchers tested whether such a phenomenon was observed after vaccination (flu, tetanus, pneumococcus). This time the answer was no.
How to interpret this phenomenon? According to the authors, both as stroke myocardial inflammatory phenomena are at the arteries . Contributing to inflammation, urinary and respiratory infections increase the likelihood of strokes.
This study is very important. It allows us to understand why vaccination against influenza significantly reduced all-cause mortality. It reduces mortality from influenza of course, but also by other inflammatory causes. We also understand why, in general, infections contribute to accidents diseases. This phenomenon was observed with a germ called chlamydia . In fact, you should probably be wary of any infection.
Remember that in practice?
Firstly if you are a patient at risk of stroke, must be vaccinated against the flu each year. It is also interesting to be vaccinated against pneumococcus, other infectious agent is very common, responsible for numerous tonsillitis , sinusitis, bronchitis and pneumonia.
Then it should not be overlooked infections when they occur. Must take antibiotics if necessary, and take aspirin and vitamin C in case of inflammation. This combination of vitamin C and aspirin is the oldest treatments against viral infections, including influenza. This study shows that it is still current.
Too strong emotions can be dangerous, especially for those who suffer from heart. But it is also true that they save us.
Have you seen the movie Equilibrium? In the history of science fiction, a dictator has found the solution to all the ills of humanity: the suppression of emotions by daily injection and voluntary product annihilating feelings, "Prozium." Yes, but?? a world underground is organized which promotes emotions and fall of the dictator. Who will win? You guessed it, the emotions of course because they are essential to life??
This is the stress in general may as well make us sick by his excesses we kill by its absence . Our body needs stimuli, the passivity ends as surely a good health standard. They say turn off?? Certainly we need energy.
While thinking of emotions when, for example, makes a myocardial infarction ? I need to sort between the good and bad? And how, if not by avoiding life and what makes it salt?
Emotions have a context
Rather than sort the emotions, let's look at context. Some of them are wearing, more rewarding. How to spot them? The world simply by using your heart?? When you feel comfortable in an environment that is comfortable, the heart works best and you feel good. Conversely, some settings you tend and leave you exhausted after some time. Once the context is identified, you can either just eliminating unnecessary stressors , if possible, or chat with your friends. In fact, in most cases, disabling contexts are linked to a lack of communication between the protagonists. Take the initiative and approach the speech the other , the one whose behavior stresses you out, even if he loves you or likes you much. Describe it a fact of life that irritates you. Explain your suffering in this context and your regret that things did not go better. Be frank and friendly, open dialogue. What must be avoided is to passively, without understanding. Remember, it is the inaction us? Conversely, locate the contexts positive , those warm feelings, those laughs, those of the person for your consideration. The affection and laughter are both good for the heart. People well into their torque living longer, and those who laugh more!
Prepare for emotions
And the game football ? may hurt , it is known! True, but why not prepare like a champion for your game? Relaxation before the game, stretching, warm-ups. No alcohol of course, but the water will. And friends of course, but asking them not to smoke around you. Sporting stay! There is even other emotions can be strong if you do not prepare them enough. And to prepare, no secret, we must impose see reality.
Electrocardiogram effort
To prepare well, it is also well known. In this respect, the best test is the stress test, which measures the strength of your heart to ischemia during stress. It is valuable to review after 45 years in rights in case of return to sport . We need to do regularly when you have had a myocardial infarction.
Finally, remember that emotions save us , we live for them and they are life. So the question is not to organize a life without emotion , but to organize to live as much as possible, as soon as possible contexts.
What is the relationship between influenza and heart? Well flu promotes the onset of infarction within three days after infection. Flu favors equally stroke. Hence the importance of vaccination.
Is a urinary tract infection or respiratory illness, like flu, pneumonia or bronchitis , may increase the risk of a myocardial infarction or a stroke? The answer is "YES" and we know from the results of a British study that followed the record 60,000 people who had a heart attack and 55,000 who had a stroke. An increase in the occurrence of these strokes is indeed observed in the days following the infection, especially towards the third.
Fittingly, the researchers tested whether such a phenomenon was observed after vaccination (flu, tetanus, pneumococcus). This time the answer was no.
How to interpret this phenomenon? According to the authors, both as stroke myocardial inflammatory phenomena are at the arteries . Contributing to inflammation, urinary and respiratory infections increase the likelihood of strokes.
This study is very important. It allows us to understand why vaccination against influenza significantly reduced all-cause mortality. It reduces mortality from influenza of course, but also by other inflammatory causes. We also understand why, in general, infections contribute to accidents diseases. This phenomenon was observed with a germ called chlamydia . In fact, you should probably be wary of any infection.
Remember that in practice?
Firstly if you are a patient at risk of stroke, must be vaccinated against the flu each year. It is also interesting to be vaccinated against pneumococcus, other infectious agent is very common, responsible for numerous tonsillitis , sinusitis, bronchitis and pneumonia.
Then it should not be overlooked infections when they occur. Must take antibiotics if necessary, and take aspirin and vitamin C in case of inflammation. This combination of vitamin C and aspirin is the oldest treatments against viral infections, including influenza. This study shows that it is still current.
Too strong emotions can be dangerous, especially for those who suffer from heart. But it is also true that they save us.
Have you seen the movie Equilibrium? In the history of science fiction, a dictator has found the solution to all the ills of humanity: the suppression of emotions by daily injection and voluntary product annihilating feelings, "Prozium." Yes, but?? a world underground is organized which promotes emotions and fall of the dictator. Who will win? You guessed it, the emotions of course because they are essential to life??
This is the stress in general may as well make us sick by his excesses we kill by its absence . Our body needs stimuli, the passivity ends as surely a good health standard. They say turn off?? Certainly we need energy.
While thinking of emotions when, for example, makes a myocardial infarction ? I need to sort between the good and bad? And how, if not by avoiding life and what makes it salt?
Emotions have a context
Rather than sort the emotions, let's look at context. Some of them are wearing, more rewarding. How to spot them? The world simply by using your heart?? When you feel comfortable in an environment that is comfortable, the heart works best and you feel good. Conversely, some settings you tend and leave you exhausted after some time. Once the context is identified, you can either just eliminating unnecessary stressors , if possible, or chat with your friends. In fact, in most cases, disabling contexts are linked to a lack of communication between the protagonists. Take the initiative and approach the speech the other , the one whose behavior stresses you out, even if he loves you or likes you much. Describe it a fact of life that irritates you. Explain your suffering in this context and your regret that things did not go better. Be frank and friendly, open dialogue. What must be avoided is to passively, without understanding. Remember, it is the inaction us? Conversely, locate the contexts positive , those warm feelings, those laughs, those of the person for your consideration. The affection and laughter are both good for the heart. People well into their torque living longer, and those who laugh more!
Prepare for emotions
And the game football ? may hurt , it is known! True, but why not prepare like a champion for your game? Relaxation before the game, stretching, warm-ups. No alcohol of course, but the water will. And friends of course, but asking them not to smoke around you. Sporting stay! There is even other emotions can be strong if you do not prepare them enough. And to prepare, no secret, we must impose see reality.
Electrocardiogram effort
To prepare well, it is also well known. In this respect, the best test is the stress test, which measures the strength of your heart to ischemia during stress. It is valuable to review after 45 years in rights in case of return to sport . We need to do regularly when you have had a myocardial infarction.
Finally, remember that emotions save us , we live for them and they are life. So the question is not to organize a life without emotion , but to organize to live as much as possible, as soon as possible contexts.
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